Mandy Tay Art

Original Art, Commissioned Pieces & Custom Pet Portraits

Custom Expressionist Pet Portraits

Custom Folk Art Pet Portraits

Commissioned Original Art

Custom Tarot Portraits

You can also find original works for purchase on Etsy, prints, etc. through Society6, or you can contact me directly at

I recently had a major shift in my life - I admitted I was an alcoholic and went through treatment to live a sober life. I realized in this process just how much of my time I spent drinking or feeling crappy because of drinking and needed to find something new to fill the down time.

Starting with the Queen of Wands, I took up a paintbrush and didn't look back. I haven't felt this energized in a long time, and am so excited to share my art with you.

Here's to sobriety and creativity and building a new life in recovery!