
Uneasiness to Change


Stress can be described as something that disrupts homeostasis physiologically or psychologically, in other words, stress is the feeling of uneasiness to change. When in danger, stress is a very important component for survival as it may elicit the body to initiate the fight or flight response to quickly focus on the bodily functions that will help increase survival i.e. running away from the neighborhood's vicious dog. Stress can also be an important piece in everyday life when avoiding circumstances that may be interpreted as danger for other reasons that may cause panic. Examples of this kind of stress may include waking up late for work, deadlines, or anything else that may cause harm through other superficial means.

However, it's not all sunshine and blue skies when examining stress. In some cases, stress can be detrimental, often affecting one's health. Through the story of life, it's the cases of danger that aren't as instantaneous; the prolonged continuation of repetitive and difficult experiences, that are concerning to health professionals as this kind of stress can lead to dire consequences.

Our Mission

Stress is something that everyone will experience often. That's why we think it is important to spread information about stress and how we can manage stress instead of letting stress decide how we should live our daily lives. Our mission here is to provide you with multiple types of strategies on how to go about working with stress. We are trying to focus on reaching to a variety of topics so that you can see what fits your personal needs... after all, we are all different! We hope you learn something new about stress today and that you can apply it to your daily routine to live a happier, dare we say, stress-free life!

For more information on stress, in general, here are some extra links.

To listen to our podcast, you can find that in the link below.