2019 MANA-i-MATE Joint Symposium

November 4-5, 2019

Venue: B106 Auditorium, 1F, IRBST, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Welcome Message

As the organizer of the first Joint MANA-i-MATE Symposium, I would like to welcome all of you to join us in Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

The International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) was established at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, in 2007. After a decade of successful development, MANA has grown into a representative international research center in the fields of nanotechnology and materials science, both in name and reality.

The innovative Materials and Analytical Technology Exploration (i-MATE) Program was launched by Academia Sinica in 2018, aiming to provide a platform for encouraging researchers from different disciplines to find research partners to jointly conduct curiosity-driven exploratory researches in the areas of material or analytical technology. One of the important missions of the i-MATE Program is to help researchers in Academia Sinica to find domestic and international research-MATE.

In the spirit of promoting international collaborations, the i-MATE Program is delighted to host this Symposium, hoping to bring together researchers from both institutions to share their academic experiences and research results in a relaxing atmosphere. We look forward to a successful gathering that helps pave the way to long-term collaborations among the researchers of NIMS and Academia Sinica.

Yuh-Lin Wang

Coordinator for i-MATE Program