Other resolutions: condemned destructive criticism of the U. S. Constitution and Supreme Court; added 25 cents to Legion dues to support the American Legion Monthly; advocated Nov. 11 as a national holiday, "Armistice Day;" sent a cable of cheer to legionary James Joseph Tunney in Chicago; endorsed the Boy Scouts; bestowed the Legion's Distinguished Service Medal on Count De Jean of the French Foreign Office for his reception arrangements; chose San Antonio, Tex., for the 1928 convention.

With that authority came crushing public exposure. If the mission went well, Flight remained anonymous. But if Flight made a wrong choice and a crew was lost, he would be second-guessed, interrogated by presidential boards of inquiry and congressional committees, and condemned by the media. He would have to live with his mistake for the rest of his life.

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Off-leash advocates in San Francisco have announced that they are abandoning a consensus-building process established by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) to address pet management issues, according to a petition they are circulating at parks and on the internet this week. Instead, the advocates are urging dog owners to unite behind a controversial Bush administration initiative to end the National Park System's preservation mandate and replace it with a policy that favors motorized recreation and commercialization, a policy condemned by conservationists around the country.

"The National Park System protects monuments to our nation's greatest war heroes, African-American leaders, and our most pristine wilderness areas," said Plater. "The Bush administration's new policy initiative would undermine the preservation of these great places, and the off-leash group's decision to walk away from a consensus process and embrace this policy is simply irresponsible."

In Peru's recent presidential elections, for example, the Organization of American States condemned the electoral process as irreparably flawed by abuses of state power. The United States and Canada sought to rally OAS nations to declare the election invalid, but the most Latin America would do was send a high-level mission to negotiate reforms in Peru's "democratic processes." e24fc04721

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