Optimal Thyroid Levels

Chart showing the difference between Normal and Optimal Thyroid Levels

Read here: https://mammahealth.com/optimal-thyroid-levels/

What is the difference between optimum and normal TSH ranges.

Your lab test might show normal thyroid levels but you can still have symptoms of hyper- or hypothyroidism. Many doctors prescribe only TSH and T4 tests and are omitting the big picture that can be achieved by the full thyroid panel of tests beyond TSH.

Chart of normal and optimal test ranges of: TSH - Thyroid stimulating hormone, Total T4 (TT4), FTI - Free Thyroxine Index, Free T4 (FT4), Resin F3 uptake, Free T3 (FT3) and TPO Antibody - Thyroid peroxidase antibody.

Chart of thyroid TSH levels during first, second and third semester of pregnancy.

Our Thyroid channel: https://goo.gl/9Q3Cjs

Published by mammahealth.com

Video: https://youtu.be/hV42Yk5PkNE