I found the official Microsoft article within the link below which explains that if you install a third party antivirus, Windows Defender automatically gets disabled or goes in passive mode. -us/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-antivirus/windows-defender-antivirus-compatibilityHowever, Malwarebytes Premium is a complete antivirus alternative. Malwarebytes guarantees the protection below:Removes malware and spywareDetects and removes malware and other advanced threats.Automatically finds malware 24/7Detects malware in real-time, before it can be a danger to your deviceStops exploit attacksShields vulnerable systems and softwares from exploit attacks.Blocks ransomware attacksStops ransomware attacks before your data is held hostage.Shields against malicious websitesPrevents access to and from known malicious websites.For additional information please visit the link below:

So I have the latest build do I untick the box to always register with windows security center? Also what do I do after that about Windows defender as of now where i have the latest build of it and win 10 OS up to date?

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MalwareBytesPremium 4.6.6 bricked the Nov 14 Windows 11 update on my Framework laptop. Took me awhile to figure out that it was the culprit here. One solution was to uninstall MalwareBytesPremium entirely and then install the windows 11 update, however that too failed. Had to redo system ID Finally reinstall MalwareBytes afterwards. A real PITA.

If malwarebytes does not take such things seriously in the future we will have to refrain from further cooperation with malwarebytes as we have had frequent problems with malwarebytes in the past which have cost us a lot of time.

This is effecting Threatdown business users as well. It's a shame with how big companies can be, we don't have time to be uninstalling malwarebytes from each computer and run updates and than reinstall malwarebytes after. Malwarebytes should have patched and fixed this problem but we are still feeling the effects a month later with some end user's computers. Honestly unacceptable

Until recently I used bitdefender with premium malwarebytes, but I allowed my bit defender subscription to end and thought I'd try using windows defender instead. But I renewed my malwarebytes subscription, so I have MWB and windows defender now. But I noticed window defender keeps get turned off in the windows security. I can turn it on again but it just seems to randomly turn itself off again without warning me. I read somewhere that it might possibly be malwarebytes turning it off, the info I read online said to turn off "always register malwarebytes in the windows security center" which is located in settings> security>windows security center. But if I do that, I get a worrying message in windows that virus protection has been turned off. I'm not sure if it diminishes MWB ability to protect my PC or not. I just want both MWB and windows defender to play nice together in the security center.

Okay thanks. I went ahead and did as instructed. Thus far windows defender seems to be remaining enabled. I kind of liked having malwarebytes info in the security center, purely for conveniences sake. But I suppose as long as i'm ensured MWB is actually still working as intended I guess i'll deal with that. Never had that problem with MWB being paired with bitdefender, so not sure why it's a problem with MWB+windows defender.

You can leave it default however Ive noted my computers always have trouble if say Webroot shuts down then WD tries to jump in at the same time as Malwarebytes. Whether that's a windows issue or Malwarebytes IDK, but either way you're protected three ways with no slowdown

IFEO\vdsldr.exe: [Debugger] cmd /q Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update (c) AveYo, 2021 /d/x/r>nul (erase /f/s/q %systemdrive%\$windows.~bt\appraiserres.dll&md 11&cd 11&ren vd.exe vdsldr.exe&robocopy "../" "./" "vdsldr.exe"&ren vdsldr.exe vd.exe&start vd -Embedding)&rem;

A quick update. I have noticed that the Malwarebytes notification tray icon often is missing on bootup. However, if I right-click the windows icon on the bottom left of the screen, and sign out, then sign in again, it magically re-appears!

it sounds like the issue is that Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 is not enabled on the device or the required KB is missing. If you have verified that KB3140245 or one that supersedes it is installed, then you will want to verify TLS 1.2 is actually enabled. More information on that can be found here: -us/topic/update-to-enable-tls-1-1-and-tls-1-2-as-default-secure-protocols-in-winhttp-in-windows-c4bd73d2-31d7-761e-0178-11268bb10392

Tried SafeMode - Failed to boot.

Ive now run dism and sfc a few times without any luck... Something went wrong during the malwarebytes uninstall which currently has killed my server and several TB of work content.

I managed to get into Desktop. I cant remember the exact phrase, but on the recovery screen I picked option F9, which I believe to be "dont start any anti-virus/anti-malware software".

I now have 11 Red services (stopped)

Malwarebytes is one of them, but so is a lot of other non-related services.

The latest bsod was also caused by mcaw.sys.

I will be going through a process of ensuring malwarebytes leaves this platform as clean as possible and does not return.

I do not believe the platform to be infected at this point so I will not be bothering your experts just yet 

Kind regards,

I have the free version. I have "start malwarebytes at windows startup" disabled and it stills starts with PC boot. Even if I quit the program before switching my PC off, malwarebytes is starting with the computer. This has started the last month. I have the latest version of mbam and have never had this issue in the past. I have been using mbam for over 10 years now. This is a major issue for me and I hope there is a solution. Please advice.

Just wanted to add that I have already uninstalled completely and re-installed the program before starting this thread. Also, that the issue is not happening every single time, but a lot of times. It certainly happens at windows updates, driver updates, comodo update, SAS update, but not limited to those.

In my case. I gave above some examples of when I've noticed it happened (windows updates, antivirus updates, driver updates). Also, it has happened two times in a row, but not every time. After I did the repair with support tool, it hasn't occurred again. If it happens again, I'll take a log and come back. Thanks everyone for your help.

After all this time with mbam not starting at PC boot, it happened again yesterday. How it happened: I restarted my PC with comodo disabled and mbam started up, too. After that I scanned the pc with mbam and removed some PUPs and at restart mbam started again. I exited the program and at restart it did not start. Then I just happened to do some windows update and it started again at reboot. Exited mban and hasn't started since. So, for sure disabled (or updating) comodo and windows update trigger it. I think also use of adwCleaner may be triggering it.

At the moment I uninstalled completely malwarebytes, because the issue with starting up was affecting the mouse drivers update. The driver updates trigger mbam to start up with windows, and for some unknown reason, the drivers do not install properly, and I had to restart the computer several times in order for the update to work. Without mbam, drivers install fine.

Recently I tried to installed malawarebyte software but seemed awesome and worked great but I somehow wanted to clean my pc so I uninstalled the software but It seems that my windows defender is gone showing error "Threat service has stopped. Restart now". I tried out many forums but it doesnt work at all. I tried to follow up the below forum but didnt really work

if this is so then mw should add ''beta'' with this option, why they are confusing users? and according to mr. porthos mw leaves many files to let them run on my pc until they start their action , it means mw waits for a malware to start it;s activity and then tries to catch it with a behavior shield if possible, in the light of his words i ve come to know that mw needs windows defender to cover this dark side of mw... as win 11/10 is massively bugged now a days and we can not trust win security it impossible to use mw as a standalone security as it is missing the 1st line of defense.. prothos also said that mw is just a lyer of security like ublock origin... we cant trust or pay for such kind of week security which has a great risk of security... placed a refund... thx

Today, I did an upgrade to Win10 from Win7 (not a clean install) I have the Premium lifetime version of MWB. MWB is there, but license is not activated. When I open MWB, the screen that comes up is too large - top and bottom are cut off. What I can see says that nothing is activated. My windows 7 backup is on same computer, but it is not running. I tried going back to it (dual booting) and MWB is functioning there.

I checked the dpi settings. I had a while back increased the setting from 150% to 157%. Had a reason at the time, but can't recall why. At 150%, the MWB screen is less than 1/2 the width of my screen. At 157% it is almost the full width and the top and bottom are cut off. Other program windows seem to scale proportionally. Something about MWB window sizing?

my Malwarebytes was only running a scan for 10 seconds or so. I removed my version and now cannot re-load a version for my computer. It is an older computer, (windows xp). I have a premium key and wanted to re-install a premiu version, but can't do it. 0852c4b9a8

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