Welcome To Malleswara Research Group

at CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow, INDIA

We are interested in the development of novel catalytic molecular transformations and the application of such to the synthesis of bioactive molecules and pharmaceuticals

PhD positions are available. Interested candidates with NET-JRF may contact me (malleswara.kuram@cdri.res.in)

Our Recent Work

Group News

May 2024

Congratulations Dharmendra for successfully defending the thesis viva

Congratulations to Dharmendra and Urmila for  ChemComm 

Jan 2024

Congratulations to Dhananjay for JOC 

Oct 2023

Congratulations to Dharmendra for  AdvSynCat 

May 2023

Congratulations to  Suman for ChemComm 

Feb 2023

Congratulation Dhanajay for Best Poster award  at 30th CRSI-JNU Symposium

Congratulations Dr. Dharmendra for the successful  PhD defence

Our Group in  Jan 2024

Our  Group's Twitter Page
