I suggest adding a slow (which scale with defense health and/or relic mod, to provide distinctive gameplay between trap-utility and trap-damage type huntress) to blaze balloon to add to the attrition theme, provide additional utility, allow artificial inflation of damage potential and also benefit poison dart. Of course a little bump to damage would be much appreciated.

I think it would be neat for the blaze balloon's damage to surpass lightning auras, but require the balloons to either be activated by players or defenses triggering them. this would make quite interesting builds using other defenses to activate it, to where the player could increase their damage output using clever setups compared to the boring (and OP) geyser+lightning combo.

Defender Blaze 30 

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They also need to lower the cost, and DU of blaze balloons. 

Reduce the base recharge time, increase the burn duration, increase the damage, and have it apply a slow, and increase the base charges of this, and all traps. 

Blaze balloons go from being absolute crap, to something I'd use in all of my builds. 

And seriously, increase the base amount of charges on all huntress traps. I have to go all health if I want to not repair every few seconds. (My huntress isn't the best geared, but it's silly how weak they are, before you have more D health.)

You sparked some genuine curiosity out of me, so I decided to take it a step further and try my maxed defense power/attack rate in an actual build. Maybe, just maybe, I can stack lava enough times in the same spot for them to accumulate large amounts of damage! I lined 4 blaze balloons up right in a row with a boost aura in each lane, and started the wave.

So I have indeed confirmed that blaze balloons is good to invest in both defense power and attack rate. I have also confirmed that it is still a completely worthless defense. In fact, I would say the recent changes made it worse; not in terms of DPS (it was slightly improved), but rather in terms of utility. I hate the stacking AoE mechanic to start with, and the fact that the defense solely relies on this AoE stacking is just downright pathetic.

EDIT: I tried the *exact* same tactic as blaze balloons, except with explosives. It resulted in a very enjoyable but challenging game, and a victory to boot. In fact, I haven't had this much fun since well before early access. I've been spoiled too much by cheap defenses and combos.

Now the reason why I bring up the frostbite tower is because if both these defenses were AoE slow, then the blaze balloon would be moving from imposing on the role of the lightning aura to imposing on the role of the frostbite tower. Each defense must have a unique purpose, and changing the frostbite tower would allow the huntress's balloon to fill the role of AoE slow.

Currently, the 50 cost + the high DU cost needs to go, unless they bring it up to par.

Explosive traps are fun to watch, fun to use, do so much more damage, cheap, have a lot more charges, etc.

I do not want Blaze balloon removed, I simply want it fixed. I enjoy the look, and how it should work, but it at most, tickles enemies at higher difficulties. 

I would love it if it slowed enemies. Maybe it's not the best thing for it, but I'd be perfectly content with an aoe slow, that combo'd with apprentice fire towers. Set a flamethrower tower next to some blaze balloons, and watch the world burn. 

The thing frostbite tower can do (which the changed blaze couldn't) is freeze mobs and together with a knockup, they would insta-die because they'd get shattered. I dont think it'd be much an issue. Also keep in mind that if they get 'oiled' this DOESNT apply to ogres (they are immune to oil, knockup, drench but not frostbite tower)

Also, by your reasoning, they would have to rework explosive trap as it imposes on the role of a cannon tower. Both deal physical damage. So let me ask, why would frostbite have to be changed?

I'm kind of in agreement with this. 

I'm not sure what's wrong with some defenses having similarities. I don't want them all to function the same, but I'm not against something like blaze balloon having an aoe slow that burns the enemies as well. They would also work well with the Huntress Uber, when it deals fire damage, to ignite blaze balloon oil, if the fire portion were removed. 

Nearly five years after fast-moving flames tore through more than 20,000 wildland acres in Orange and Riverside counties, an Orange County Superior Court jury acquitted the man accused of igniting the 2018 blaze.

As a corrupter, I was having problems getting my ranged defense capped, but it was really easy on the defender, so went that direction. So capped ranged defense and S/L/E resistance capped plus all the knockdown has made the character very survivable and still fun to play... nightmare on Endurance though. I can share my build tonight, and see if people have some recommendations.

In 1987, Mr. Trettis moved to Brevard County where he took a job as assistant public defender. The cases he has taken to jury trial include first degree murder, and he has argued several cases before the Florida Supreme Court. He has served on the Florida Supreme Court Committee on Standard Jury Instructions in Criminal Cases.

Unleashes a massive fiery explosion to devastate all nearby enemies and set them ablaze. Inferno deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover Endurance for a while.

The 4-3 is an advanced defensive basketball drill that's meant to toughen your players. In this drill, you have 3 defenders trying to stop 4 offenders. By playing with one less player, the defending team is forced to utilize their scrambling, communication, and rotating skills to the maximum to have an edge. Thus, this is a great workout to practice alongside your basketball shooting drills if your players need to learn how to talk and help each other during the game.

Next up is another drill that you should consider for your switching man-to-man defense basketball techniques. This drill trains your defenders to scramble and guard a different player in situations that force them to do so. One of the main points of emphasis for this activity is communication. It forces them to keep talking and make split-second decisions on their feet. Of course, this drill creates a slightly more difficult situation than your players may experience on the court, but that's the point. If they can perfect it in a drill, they are going to have a competitive edge in the game.

Nearly five years after fast-moving flames tore through more than 20,000 wild land acres in Orange and Riverside counties, an Orange County Superior Court jury acquitted the man accused of igniting the massive blaze.

The attorney representing the 21-year-old man on trial for the murder of former Penn student Blaze Bernstein could remove himself from the case, a judge ruled this morning. The court appointed a public defender to replace him.

McGreevy said the judge appointed Robert Kohler, an Orange County public defender, to serve as Woodward's attorney and moved the arraignment to Nov. 9 to provide the defense with sufficient time to review the discovery and to determine if there are any conflicts in representing Woodward.

Authorities said in court documents that Abou-Arab used a flammable liquid to start the fire that killed firefighters Stephen Machcinski and James Dickman on Jan. 26. He was in a garage at the site of the fire just before an apartment resident said she saw the blaze break out, the documents said.

During the reporting period, Israeli forces used excessive force to disperse peaceful demonstrations organized by Palestinian civilians in protest of the construction of the annexation wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. As a result, a Palestinian boy and two international human rights defenders were injured. Israeli forces also violently beat a number of demonstrators. Israeli forces also abducted 7 Palestinian civilians, including a child, and an Israeli human rights defender.

Three days after the blaze, Truth Aquatics filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles under a pre-Civil War provision of maritime law that allows it to limit its liability to the remains of the boat, which was a total loss. The time-tested legal maneuver has been successfully employed by the owners of the Titanic and other vessels, and requires the Fritzlers to show they were not at fault.

Also, AEK Athens midfielder Erik Moran said he and his teammates could see the fires, which broke out on Monday afternoon, from their training ground in Spata, 12 miles (20 kilometres) east of Athens. There was one blaze to the west of the capital, near the town of Kineta, and another to the northeast, near the port of Rafina.

"We were in the changing room, which has a big large window, and we could see the blackest smoke in the distance, which was not normal," Moran told Cadena Ser. "During training, there was much more smoke and from afar we could see the blaze and the fire. It was very windy that day and it was very difficult to put it out." be457b7860

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