

"Betting on Lord: Lottery games in Haiti ”(with Emmanuelle Auriol, Diego Delissaint, Josepa Miquel-Florensa and Paul Seabright), the World Development, 2021. 

media coverage:

"Trust in the Image of God: Links between religiosity and reciprocity in Haiti” (with Emmanuelle  Auriol, Diego Delissaint, Josepa Miquel-Florensa and Paul Seabright) , Economics of Transition and Institutional Change , 2021.

"Render Unto Caesar: Taxes, Charity and Political Islam" (with Gabriele Gratton and Pauline Grosjean), European Economic Review, 2019.

media coverage:, Business Think

"Infrastructure provision, politics, and religion: Insights from Tunisia’s new democracy" (with Antonio Estache),  Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2019.

"Envy and the Islamic Revival: experimental and survey evidence from Tunisia", Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018.

"Determinants of the Islamic revival and its political implications" (Thesis Abstract) Journal & Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales , 2017.

Working Papers

"Sexual violence as a weapon of war" (with Victoire Girard and Jérémy Laurent-Lucchetti)

media coverage:

" The Legacy of Colonial Education: Evidence from Tunisia" (with Cédric Chambru and Mhamed Ben Salah)

"Are Muslim immigrants really different? Experimental Evidence from Lebanon and Australia" (with Danielle Hayek

"Conflict Exposure in a Multi-Sectarian Society: Evidence from Lebanon" (with Danielle Hayek


"Mentoring as a pathway to labor market integration: evidence from a Belgian program" (Antonio Estache and Lisa Bagnoli) Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring, 2022.

"Who Suppresses Female Sexuality? An Examination of Support for Islamic Veiling in a Secular Muslim Democracy as a Function of Sex and Offspring Sex" (Khandis Blake and Robert Brooke), Evolution and Human Behavior, 2018.