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J. Roy, S. Dey, B.W. Kooi and M. Banerjee:  Prey group defense and hunting cooperation among generalist-predators induce complex dynamics: A mathematical study, Journal of Mathematical Biology, (In press), 2024. (pdf)

K. Manna, M. Banerjee and S. Petrovskii:  On the structural sensitivity of some diffusion-reaction Models of Population Dynamics, Physica D, (In press), 2024. (pdf)

R. Han, S. Dey, J. Huang and M. Banerjee: Spatio-temporal steady-state analysis in a prey-predator model with saturated hunting cooperation and chemotaxis, Acta. Appl. Math., (In press) 2024. (pdf)

Y. Liu, Y. Ma, C. Yang, Z. Peng, Y. Takeuchi, M. Banerjee and Y. Dong: Modeling the nonmonotonic immune response in a tumor-immune system, Symmetry, (In press) 2024. (pdf)

M. Banerjee, Z. Ling and Y. Zhou: The maximum principle in an asymmetric weighted directed network, Bull. Kor. Math. Soc., (In press) 2024. (pdf)

P. Roy Chowdhury, M. Banerjee and S. Petrovskii:  A two-timescale model of plankton-oxygen dynamics predicts formation of Oxygen Minimum Zones and global anoxia, J. Math. Biol., (In press), 2024. (pdf)

Y. Enatsu, J. Roy and M. Banerjee: Hunting cooperation in a prey-predator model with maturation delay, J. Biol. Dyn., (In press), 2024. (pdf)

J. Bhattacharya, M. Banerjee and S. Banerjee: Non-smooth dynamics of a fishery model with a two-threshold harvesting policy, Comm. Nonlin. Sci. Num. Simu., (In press), 2024. (pdf)

Y. Tyutyunov, D. Sen and M. Banerjee: Does mutual interference stabilize prey-predator model with Bazykin-Crowley-Martin trophic function?, Math. Biosci., 372, 109201, 2024. (pdf)

M. Rashid, B. M. Devi and M. Banerjee: Combinatorial cooperativity can facilitate epithelial-mesenchymal transition in a miR200-Zeb feedback network, Bull. Math. Biol., (In press), 2024. (pdf)

K. Manna and M. Banerjee: Dynamics of a prey-predator model with reproductive Allee effect for prey and generalist predator, Nonlin. Dyna., (In press), 2024. (pdf)

M. Banerjee, J. Huang, Q. Pan and L. Zou: Bifurcations of higher codimension in a predator-prey model with generalist predator, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, (In press), 2024. (pdf)

S. Pal, R. Melnik and M. Banerjee: Pattern alterations induced by nonlocal interactions, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, (In press), 2024. (pdf)

T. Saha, P. J. Pal, P. Roy Chowdhury and M. Banerjee: Singular Bautin bifurcation analysis of a slow-fast predator-prey system, Nonlin. Dyna., (In press), 2024. (pdf)

M. Saade, S. Ghosh, M. Banerjee and V. Volpert: Delay Epidemic Models Determined by Latency, Infection, and Immunity Duration, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 370, 109155, 2024. (pdf)

S. Dey, M. Banerjee and S. Ghorai: Spatio-temporal dynamics in  a diffusive Bazykin model: effects of group defense and prey-taxis, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, (In press), 2024. (pdf)


S. Ghosh, A. Ogueda-Oliva, A. Ghosh, M. Banerjee and P. Seshaiyer: Understanding the implications of under-reporting, vaccine efficiency and social behavior on the post-pandemic spread using physics informed neural networks: a case study of China, PLoS One, Vol. 18(11), 0290368, 2023. (pdf)

S. Dey, S. Ghorai and M. Banerjee: Analytical detection of stationary and dynamic patterns in a  prey-predator model with reproductive Allee effect in prey growth, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 87, 21, 2023. (pdf)

D. K. Das, S. Ghorai and M. Banerjee: Spatio-temporal dynamics of a SIS model with nonlinear incidence and nonlocal disease transmission, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 111, 15591 - 15612, 2023. (pdf)

M. Saade, S. Ghosh, M. Banerjee and V. Volpert: An Epidemic model with time delays determined by the infectivity and disease durations, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 20(7), 12864 - 12888, 2023. (pdf)

S. Kumarasamy, M. Banerjee, V. Varshney, M. D. Shrimali, N. V. Kuznetsov and A. Prasad: Saddle-node bifurcation of periodic orbit route to hidden attractor, Physical Review E, Vol. 107(5), L052201, 2023. (pdf)

S. Dey, A. Ghosh and M. Banerjee: A mathematical modeling technique to understand the role of decoy receptors in ligand-receptor interaction, Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, 6523, 2023. (pdf) (Supplimentary Materials)

J. Roy, S. Dey and M. Banerjee: Maturation delay induced stability enhancement and shift of bifurcation thresholds in a predator-prey model with generalist predator, Mathematics and Computers in Simulations, Vol. 211, 368 - 393, 2023. (pdf)

R. Han, S. Dey and M. Banerjee: Spatio-temporal pattern selection in a Prey-Predator Model with Hunting Cooperation and Allee effect in prey, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 171, 113441, 2023. (pdf)

J. Roy and M. Banerjee: Global Stability of a predator-prey model with generalist predator, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 142, 108659, 2023. (pdf)

M. Banerjee, S. Ghosh,  P. Manfredi and Alberto d'Onofrio: Spatio-temporal chaos and clustering induced by nonlocal information and vaccine hesitancy in the SIR epidemic model, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 170, 113339, 2023. (pdf)

P. Roy Chowdhury, M. Banerjee and S. Petrovskii: Coexistence of chaotic and non-chaotic attractors in a three species slow-fast system, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 167, 113015, 2023. (pdf)

D. Ni, W. Ma and M. Banerjee: Dynamics of a PDE model with size-structure: Characterizing the growth and flocculation effects of unicellular algae, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 167, 113054, 2023. (pdf)

P. Roy Chowdhury, S. Petrovskii, V. Volpert and M. Banerjee: Attractors and long transients in a spatio-temporal slow-fast Bazykin’s model, Comm. Nonlin. Sci. Num. Simu., Vol. 118, 107014, 2023. (pdf)

S. Ghosh, V. Volpert and M. Banerjee: An age-dependent immuno-epidemiological model with distributed recovery and death rates, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 86(2), 21, 2023. (pdf)


T. Abdalgader, L. Zhang and M. Banerjee: Spatially weak syncronization of spreading pattern between Aedes Albopitus and dengue fever, Eco. Model., Vol. 472, 110123, 2022. (pdf) 

S. Dey, M. Banerjee and S. Ghorai: Bifurcation analysis and spatio-temporal patterns of a prey-predator model with hunting cooperation, Int. J. Bif. Chaos, Vol. 33(11), 2250173, 2022. (pdf) 

M. Banerjee and S. Ghosh: Behavioral and game-theoretic modeling of dengue epidemic: Comment on ``Mathematical models for dengue fever epidemiology: A 10-year systematic review'' by M. Aguiar et al., Phy. Life. Rev., Vol. 43, 22 - 22, 2022. (pdf)

S. Dey, M. Banerjee and S. Ghorai: Analytical detection of stationary Turing pattern in a predator-prey system with generalist predator, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., Vol. 17, 33, 2022. (pdf)

S. Ghosh, V. Volpert and M. Banerjee: An epidemic model with time delay determined by the disease duration, Mathematics, Vol. 10, 2561, 2022. (pdf)

M. Banerjee, S Pal and P. Ray Chowdhury: Stationary and non-stationary pattern formation over fragmented habitat, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 162, 112412, 2022. (pdf)

M. Banerjee, T. Lipniacki, A. d'Onofrio and V. Volpert: Epidemic model with strain-dependent transmission rate, Comm. Nonlin. Sci. Num. Simu., Vol. 114, 106641, 2022. (pdf)

S. Ghosh, V. Volpert and M. Banerjee: An epidemic model with time-distributed recovery and death rates, Bull. Math. Biol., Vol. 84, 78, 2022. (pdf) 

J. H. Rojas, M. Paredes, M. Banerjee, O. Akman and A. Mubayi: Mathematical Modeling and Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in Colombia: Implications to Public Health Preparedness and Managing Outbreaks, Lett. Biomath., Vol. 9(1), 41 -- 56, 2022. (pdf)

P. Roy Chowdhury, M. Banerjee and S. Petrovskii: Canards, relaxation oscillations, and pattern formation in a slow-fast ratio-dependent predator-prey system, Appl. Math. Model., Vol. 109, 519 -- 535, 2022. (pdf)

S. Ghosh, M. Banerjee and V. Volpert: Immuno-epidemiological model-based prediction of further COVID-19 epidemic outbreaks due to immunity waning, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., Vol. 17, 9, 2022. (pdf)

T. Saha, P. J. Pal and M. Banerjee: Slow-fast analysis of a modified Leslie-Gower model with Holling type I functional response, Nonlin. Dyna., Vol. 108, 4531 -- 4555, 2022. (pdf) (corrections)

M. Banerjee, M. Kuznetsov, O. Udovenko and V. Volpert: Nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations in biomedical applications, Acta Biotheoretica, Vol. 70, 12, 2022. (pdf)

N. Mukherjee and M. Banerjee: Hunting cooperation among slowly diffusing specialist predators can induce stationary Turing patterns, Physica A, Vol. 499, 127417, 2022. (pdf)

K. Manna and M. Banerjee: Spatiotemporal pattern formation in a prey-predator model with generalist predator, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., Vol. 17, 6, 2022. (pdf)

P. Roy Chowdhury, S. Petrovskii and M. Banerjee: Effect of slow-fast time scale on transient dynamics in a realistic prey-predator system,  Mathematics, Vol. 10, 699, 2022. (pdf)

D. Sen, S. Ghorai, M. Banerjee and A. Morozov: Bifurcation analysis of the predator-prey model with the Allee effect in the predator, J. Math. Biol., Vol. 84, 7, 2022. (pdf) (suppl)


P. Roy Chowdhury, S. Petrovskii and M. Banerjee: Oscillations and pattern formation in a slow-fast prey-predator system, Bull. Math. Biol., Vol. 83, 110, 2021. (pdf)

V. Volpert, M. Banerjee and S. Sharma: Epidemic Progression and Vaccination in a Heterogeneous Population. Application to the Covid-19 epidemic. Ecol. Comp., Vol. 47, 100940, 2021. (pdf)

A. Zincenko, S. Petrovskii, V. Volpert and M. Banerjee: Turing instability in an economic-demographic dynamical system may lead to pattern formation on a geographical scale, J. R. Soc. Interface, Vol. 18(177), 1820210034, 2021. (pdf)

K. Manna, V. Volpert and M. Banerjee: Pattern formation in a three-species cyclic competition model, Bull. Math. Biol., Vol. 83, 52, 2021. (pdf)

S. Anita, M. Banerjee, S. Ghosh and V. Volpert: Vaccination in a two-group epidemic model, Appl. Math. Lett., Vol. 119, 107197, 2021. (pdf)

U. Ghosh, S. Pal and M. Banerjee: Memory effect on Bazykin's prey-predator model: Stability and bifurcation analysis, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 143, 110531, 2021. (pdf)

M. Banerjee, S. Petrovskii and V. Volpert: Nonlocal reaction-diffusion models of heterogeneous wealth distribution, Mathematics, Vol. 9(4), 351, 2021. (pdf)

T. Saha, P. J. Pal and M. Banerjee: Relaxation oscillation and canard explosion in a slow-fast predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response,  Nonlin. Dyna., Vol. 103, 1195 -- 1217, 2021. (pdf)

D. Sen, S. Ghorai, S. Sharma and M. Banerjee:  Allee effect in prey's growth reduces the dynamical complexity in prey-predator model with generalist predator, Appl. Math. Model., Vol. 91, 768 -- 790, 2021. (pdf)

S. Pal, S. Petrovskii, S. Ghorai and M. Banerjee: Spatiotemporal pattern formation in 2D prey-predator system with nonlocal intraspecific competition, Comm. Nonlin. Sci. Num. Simu., Vol. 93, 105478, 2021. (pdf)


S. Sharma, V. Volpert and M. Banerjee:  Extended SEIQR type model for COVID-19 epidemic and data analysis, Math. Biosci. Eng., Vol. 17(6), 7562 -- 7602, 2020.

S. Pal, M. Banerjee and V. Volpert:  Spatio-temporal Bazykin's model with space-time nonlocality, Math. Biosci. Eng., Vol. 17(5), 4801 -- 4824, 2020.

M. Banerjee and V. Volpert: Stochastic intracellular  regulation can remove oscillations in a model of tissue growth, IMA Jr. Math. Med. Biol., Vol. 37(4), 551 -- 568, 2020.

F. A. Basir, S. Adhuria, M. Banerjee, E. Venturino and S. Ray: Modelling the Effect of Incubation and Latent Periods on the Dynamics of Vector-Borne Plant Viral Diseases, Bull. Math. Biol., Vol. 82, 94, 2020.

K. Manna, S. Pal and M. Banerjee: Analytical and numerical detection of traveling wave and wave-train solutions in a prey-predator model with weak Allee effect, Nonlin. Dyna., Vol. 100(3), 2989 -- 3006, 2020.

M. Banerjee, B. W. Kooi and E. Venturino: A safe harbor can protect an "endangered" species from its predators, Ricerche di Matematica, Vol. 69, 413 -- 436, 2020.

D. Sen, S. Petrovskii, S. Ghorai and M. Banerjee: Rich bifurcation structure of prey-predator model induced by the Allee effect in the growth of generalist predator, Int. J. Bif. ChaosVol. 30(6), 2050084, 2020.

A. d'Onofrio, M. Banerjee and P. Manfredi: Spatial behavioural responses to the spread of an infectious disease can suppress Turing and Turing-Hopf patterning of the disease, Physica A, Vol. 545, 123773, 2020.

S. Pal, S. Ghorai and M. Banerjee: Effects of Boundary Conditions on Pattern Formation in a Nonlocal Prey-Predator Model, Appl. Math. Model., Vol. 79, 809 -- 823, 2020.

L. Assis, M. Banerjee, E. Venturino: Comparison of Hidden and Explicit Resources in Eco-epidemic Models of Predator-Prey Type, Comp. Appl. Math., Vol. 39, 36, 2020.

M. Banerjee, A. Tokarev and V. Volpert: Immuno-epidemiological model of two-stage epidemic growth, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., Vol. 15, 27, 2020.

V. Volpert, M. Banerjee, A. d'Onofrio, T. Lipniacki, S. Petrovskii, V. C. Tran: Coronavirus -Scientific insights and societal aspects, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., Vol. 15, E2, 2020.

V. Volpert, M. Banerjee, S. Petrovskii: On a quarantine model of coronavirus infection and data analysis, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., Vol. 15, 24, 2020.

K. Manna, V. Volpert and M. Banerjee: Dynamics of a diffusive two-prey-one-predator model with nonlocal intra-specific competition for both the prey species, Mathematics, Vol. 8(1), 101, 2020.

M. Banerjee, N. Mukherjee and V. Volpert: Prey-predator model with nonlocal and global consumption in the prey dynamics, DCDS-S, Vol. 13(8), 2109 -- 2120, 2020.