Numerous loan Sanskrit words are found in other major Asian languages. For example, Filipino,[422] Cebuano,[423] Lao, Khmer[424] Thai and its alphabets, Malay (including Malaysian and Indonesian), Javanese (old Javanese-English dictionary by P.J. Zoetmulder contains over 25,500 entries), and even in English.

Namaste, Any mantra, whether it is in Sanskrit or other languages, chanted with concentration leads to peace of mind. Nevertheless, there have been several scientific studies regarding the beneficial effects of chanting mantras in particular and Sanskrit in general. Giving below link to a recent study on this topic.


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Cognates are present in multiple variants of the same text across different languages (e.g., "hund" in German and "hound" in English language mean "dog"). They pose a challenge to various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications such as Machine Translation, Cross-lingual Sense Disambiguation, Computational Phylogenetics, and Information Retrieval. A possible solution to address this challenge is to identify cognates across language pairs. In this paper, we describe the creation of two cognate datasets for twelve Indian languages, namely Sanskrit, Hindi, Assamese, Oriya, Kannada, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Bengali, Marathi, and Malayalam. We digitize the cognate data from an Indian language cognate dictionary and utilize linked Indian language Wordnets to generate cognate sets. Additionally, we use the Wordnet data to create a False Friends' dataset for eleven language pairs. We also evaluate the efficacy of our dataset using previously available baseline cognate detection approaches. We also perform a manual evaluation with the help of lexicographers and release the curated gold-standard dataset with this paper. 17dc91bb1f

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