Malawi College of Forestry and Wildlife offers short courses in Forestry and Wildlife Management 

Basic Weapon Handling and Sustainable Forest Management Course

The Malawi College of Forestry and Wildlife is conducting a short course in basic Weapon Handling and Sustainable Forest Management (BWH/SFM).  The short course was opened by the Director of Forestry - Stella Funsani Gama. In her remarks she encouraged the participants to work hard after the training in protecting the forest resources., and more importantly avoiding corruption when conducting their duties. The short course is to run for six weeks with 100 participants for the first cohort. 

Invasive Alien Species: Short Course

Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are one of the biggest threats to biodiversity and livelihoods. IAS are adversely affecting locally and globally significant biodiversity, invading and threatening a range of ecoystem.

Millions of people depend on natural ecosystems for food, water energy and other commodities and services. Therefore, IAS management is key to sustained livelihoods and ecosystem services.

The Malawi  College of Forestry and Wildlife  (MCFW) in collaboration with the Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) offered a certificate course in IAS management. The course targeted protected areas staff and everyone interested participated

Nursery Establishment and Management: Woodlot Establishment and Management: Short Courses

Tree growers from Ntcheu were trained in Nursery Establishment and Management as well as Woodlot Establishment and Management courtesy of MWASIP project. The Director of Forestry Mrs Stella Gama in her remarks said she  believe tree growers will take the opportunity to learn and use the knowledge in the process of not only restoring degraded forests and lands, but also conserving biodiversity so as to secure the livelihoods of the people in the country