Makruk Openings

A. King pawn opening

B. Queen pawn opening

One idea behind this opening is to plant the queen in e3 via Qf2->Qe3 or Qd2->Qe3. Once at E3 this queen can act as a shelter to the king when the king decided to stay in the center preferrably at E2.

C. King bishop pawn opening

D. Queen bishop pawn opening

A popular opening move with the idea of Nf3, discouraging the black king from seeking shelter on its king-side.

E. King knight opening

F. Queen knight opening

G. King bishop opening

One of the most popular openings that you may see. The position with bishop at C2 is very flexible, this bishop may go to B3 by Pb4 followed by Bb3, or it can go to D3 by Pd4 followed by Bd3. It also allows the king in some cases to go to the king-side quickly by Kc1 -> Kb2 for shelter in case confrontation in the center gets ugly.