This is the companion website for the Master's Kolloquium of the AG Stadler, Sterzer, & Brühl. Most of the information is targeted at students of the AG Stadler, so if you are not sure whether certain information applies to you, ask your supervisor!
Information for students interested to conduct their Masterproject with the AG Stadler (Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrische Forschungsabteilung) can be found on the page "Facts Sheet Masterproject"!
The MaKo will be held weekly on Tuesdays 12:15-13:45 and is mandatory for all Masterstudents of the AGs. It is planned as an in-person Meeting, requiring your personal attendance in order to get your credits. If you cannot attend, please inform including the reason you cannot attend.
In the case that the meeting is online, please use the following Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 638 5121 1808
Passcode: 935734
Tuesday 12:15 bis 13:45 Uhr (in person, you can bring your lunch 😀)
First und final Dates: 23.9.24 - 17.9.24
Details for each of the meetings can be found under "Meetings".
SC-p28 or SC-1.08 (see green location on Map)
Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken (UPK)
Wilhelm Klein-Strasse 27
4002 Basel
The Homepage has been fully revised and updated for the HS24!