OpenRC Tractor project

How it all started?

On the 30th of September 1971, my father bought his first tractor.  On its 45th anniversary, I proudly presented my star project, the OpenRC tractor. 

It's an open source 1/10 scale replica of an original Ebro 160D tractor. I designed it all from scratch and 3D printed all parts. Then, I added some electronics, nuts and bolts and I made it work!

Since I released the first version, I never stopped designing new tools, mods and improving my original design. Here you'll find links to materials, stl files, tutorials, and everything you need to build your own tractor.

Current versions

Which version to print?

There are different versions of the tractor, but you should always download and print latest version of each vehicle. Currently, latest versions are MK2.4 for the Ebro160/MF165 and MK3 for the TEA20. You can check old discontinued versions at the bottom of this site.

Check this table to help you choose wicho one to print first. I say first because once you've printed one, you'll want to print all of them :)

OpenRC Tractor MK2.4

This was my first OpenRC Tractor. It's based on the Ebro160d/MF165. After many years since first version, I still think this is a great model, so I improved some parts of the MK2 and released MK2.4. They are not huge changes but they make a difference.

MK2.4 specs:

OpenRC Tractor MK3

I spent almost two years working on it. It has been completely designed from scratch and looks and rides better than ever. It has many improvements and is compatible with all previous tools.

MK3 Specs:

OpenRC Tractor MK3 XL

It seemd crazy at the begining but the result it's awesome. I redesigned and adapted the TEA20 to convert it in a beast! Now it's 1/6 Scale version of the MK3 with many improvements and more power!

MK3XL Specs:

Tools, mods and add-ons

Cultivator XL

Compatible with MK3 XL

Water tank

Compatible with MK2.4 and MK3

MK3 TEA20 Platform trailer

Compatible with MK3


Compatible with MK2.4 and MK3

More coming / updating old models...

Discontinued Tractor versions

OpenRC Tractor MK1 (discontinued)

Download MK1 (discontinued)

This is the first version of the tractor. It was released in 2017, on the 45th annyversary of the actual real tractor.

This version is functional but it has been greatly improved. There is a motor mod for this version (allows 540 size motor) but I don't recommend it as the tractor becomes uncontrollable.

If you're printing the tractor for the first time, you should always print last version of the tractor.

OpenRC Tractor MK2 (discontinued)

Download MK2 (discontinued)

This version was released in 2019 and improves several things:

OpenRC Tractor MK2.1 (discontinued)

Download MK2 (discontinued)

Download differential mod (discontinued)

Download MF 65 mod (discontinued)

In 2020 I added a differential mod that helps with diff problems. They are just 3 new pieces but it makes a big difference.

You'll need OpenRC tractor MK2 and differential mod.

I also added MF65 mod parts. You can print original looks or MF65 mod but, if you print original, I suggest you print tires from MF65 mod (parts 28Am and 28Bm), they are much better looking (in my opinion).