
What do Engineers Do? Videos

  • These brief videos are designed to introduce students to the variety of engineering careers that exist. They can be used to help your students understand the types of problems engineers solve and how the principles of engineering design are used in various engineering fields.


Dr. Robert Handler, Michigan Technological University

UVA Video Final.mp4

Dr. Kanton Reynolds, Director of Undergraduate Programs and Associate Teaching Professor at NC State

Movie on 9-30-20 at 5.56

Dr. Denae Ford Robinson, Microsoft

Technology for Engineering Design Videos

  • These brief videos are designed to help you think about ways to use specific technologies to support components of engineering design.


Using spreadsheets to support data collection, analysis, and communication

Tech Video - Sensors.mp4

Using sensors to collect data

Makey Makey ME Real.webm

Using Makey Makeys for building and designing