Maki Kikuchi


Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)


Conference Presentations

    1. Kikuchi, M., Kachi, M., Murakami, H., JAXA Himawari Product as a Display Content, IDW '20 - The 27th International Display Workshops, Virtual Conference (Pre-recorded Presentation), 11 December 2020. [HP] (Invited)

    2. Kikuchi, M., and Suzuki, K., Characterizing Vertical Particle Structure of Deep Convective System from CloudSat and MODIS, Online, 14-17 September 2020. [HP]

    3. Kikuchi, M., JAXA Earth Observation for Water Resource Management, JAXA Workshop, Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), Canberra, Australia, 5 March 2020. (Invited)

    4. Kikuchi, M., Kiem, A. S., Magee, A. D., and Armstrong, M., Identifying Gaps Between Satellite Measurement Capability and Decision-making in Water Resource Management – A Case Study from Australia, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online, 12-16 July 2020. [HP]

    5. Kikuchi, M., Okamoto, H., Sato, K., Hagihara, Y., and Suzuki, K., Hydrometeor Particle Type Classification Algorithm for JAXA EarthCARE Product, Seventh International EarthCARE Science Workshop in conjunction with First ESA EarthCARE Validation Workshop, Bonn, Germany, 11-15 June 2018. [HP]

    6. Kikuchi, M., Suzuki, K., and Okamoto, H., Characterizing Vertical Particle Structure of Precipitating Clouds from CloudSat and CALIPSO Observation, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JPGU) 2018, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, 22 May 2018. [HP]

    7. Kikuchi, M., Okamoto, H., Sato, K., Hagihara, Y., and Suzuki, K., Global Analysis of Cloud and Precipitation Thermodynamic Phase using CALIPSO and CloudSat Towards the Evaluation of Climate Models, 2017 Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) Meeting on Clouds, Precipitation, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 26 September 2017 [HP]

    8. Kikuchi, M., Okamoto, H., Sato, K., and Hagihara, Y., Algorithm Development for Discriminating Cloud and Precipitation Particle Type using CloudSat/CPR and CALIPSO/CALIOP Observation, JPGU-AGU Meeting 2017, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, 23 May 2017. [HP]

    9. Kikuchi, M., Yoshida, M., Nagao, T., and Murakami, H., Aerosol Monitoring from Space, Future Earth International Co-Design Workshop, International Co-design Workshop on Earth Observation in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals – The Case of Urban Areas in Asia, Science Council of Japan, 17 January 2017.

    10. Kikuchi, M., Yoshida, M., Nagao, T., and Murakami, H., Aerosol Monitoring - Himawari Aerosol Product Development in JAXA, 2nd Japan-Australia GEO-LEO Applications Workshop, Sola City Conference Center, Tokyo, 1 September 2016. [HP]

    11. Kikuchi, M., Murakami, H., Nagao, T., Yoshida, M., Nio, T., Oki, R., Eisinger, M., and Wehr, T., EarthCARE and Himawari-8 Aerosol Products, International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP) 8th Working Group Meeting: Lidar Data and its use in Model Verification and Data Assimilation, NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, College Park, Maryland, USA, 14 July 2016. [HP] (Invited)

    12. Kikuchi, M., Okamoto, H., Sato, K., Hagihara, Y., On the Algorithm to Discriminate Cloud and Precipitation Particle Type from CloudSat and CALIPSO, Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) Meeting 2016, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, 23 May 2016. [HP]

    13. Kikuchi, M., Okamoto, H., Sato, K., and Hagihara, Y., Improvement of Hydrometeor Particle Type Discrimination derived from CloudSat and CALIPSO, International Radiation Symposium (IRS) 2016, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, 17-22 April 2016.

    14. Kikuchi.M., Nagao, T. M., and Murakami, H., Initial Development of Himawari-8 Aerosol Product in JAXA, The American Meteorology Society (AMS) Annual Meeting 2016, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Luisiana, USA, 11 January 2016. [HP]

    15. Hirakata, M., Wehr, T., Kubota, T., Nio, T., Fuda, T., Eisinger, M., and Oki, T., Overview and Status of ESA-JAXA Joint Mission EarthCARE Data Products and Distribution System, CloudSat/CALIPSO Science Meeting 2014, Hilton Alexandria Old Town, Virginia, USA, November 2014.

    16. Hirakata, M., Okamoto, H., Hagihara, Y., and Oki, R., Development of Hydrometeor Particle Type Classification derived from Space-borne Radar and Lidar. EarthCARE Workshop 2014, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan), Tokyo, 18 September 2014. [HP]

    17. Hirakata, M., Okamoto, H., Hagihara, Y., Hayasaka, T., and Oki, R., Development of EarthCARE/CPR Hydrometeor Particle Type Algorithm, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual Meeting, Royton Sapporo Hotel, Hokkaido, Japan, 28 July - 1 August 2014. [HP]

    18. Hirakata, M., Oki, R., and Eisinger, M., EarthCARE, International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP) 5th Working Group Meeting: Recent Progress in Aerosol Observability for Global Modeling, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan, 6 November 2013. [HP] (Invited)

    19. Hirakata, M., Okamoto, H., Hagihara, Y., Yoshida, R., and Hayasaka, T., CloudSat, CALIPSO, Development of Cloud Phase and Ice Crystal Orientation Discrimination toward Cloud Particle Type Product in EarthCARE, CALIPSO, CloudSat and EarthCARE Joint Workshop, Paris, 18-22 June 2012.

    20. Hirakata, M., Okamoto, H., Hagihara, Y., and Hayasaka, T., Global and Seasonal Characteristics of the Cloud Phase and Ice Orientation Observed by CALIPSO, 25th International Laser Radar Conference, Hotel St. Petersburt, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 5-9 July 2010. [HP]

(Japanese Presentations)

    1. 菊池麻紀, 鈴木健太郎, A-Trainの複合衛星観測を用いた降水雲システムの鉛直粒子構造, 気象学会2020年度秋季大会, オンライン, 2020年10月29日. [HP]

    2. 菊池麻紀, 岡本創, 佐藤可織, 衛星搭載ライダCALIOP による平板氷晶の全球長期解析, 気象学会2020年度春季大会, 2020年5月.(新型コロナウィルス感染症拡大に伴い予稿集公開による大会開催)[HP]

    3. 菊池麻紀, 鈴木健太郎, 岡本創, 衛星搭載アクティブセンサによる雲・降水システムとその粒子構成の海陸特性, 気象学会2018年度秋季大会, 仙台国際センター, 2018年11月11日. [HP]

    4. 菊池麻紀, 岡本創, 佐藤可織, 萩原雄一朗, 鈴木健太郎, CloudSat/CPRとCALIPSO/CALIOPの複合利用による雲・降水粒子タイプ識別アルゴリズムの開発と全球統計解析, 気象学会2017年度秋季大会, 北海道大学, 2017年10月30日. [HP]

    5. 菊池麻紀, 吉田真由美, 永尾隆, 村上 浩, JAXAひまわりモニタの開発(2):時空間変動特性を用いたエアロゾル1時間合成アルゴリズム, 日本気象学会2016年度秋季大会, 名古屋大学, 2016年10月28日. [HP]

    6. 菊池麻紀, 静止気象衛星ひまわり8号を用いた地球物理プロダクトの開発, SATテクノロジー・ショーケース2016, つくば国際会議場, 2016年2月4日. [HP]

    7. 菊池麻紀, 永尾隆, 村上浩, JAXAひまわり8号エアロゾルプロダクトの試作, 日本気象学会2015年度秋季大会, 京都テルサ, 2015年10月30日. [HP]

    8. 平形麻紀, 岡本創, 萩原雄一朗, 早坂忠裕, 沖理子, CALIPSO 及びTRMM によるCloudSat 雲粒子タイプ識別アルゴリズムの改良, 日本気象学会2014年度秋季大会, 福岡国際会議場, 2014年10月23日. [HP]

    9. 平形麻紀, 岡本創, 萩原雄一朗, 吉田良, 早坂忠裕, 野牧知之, 沖理子, TRMM データの利用による CloudSat 降水識別の改良, 日本気象学会2013年度秋季大会, 仙台国際センター, 2013年11月21日. [HP]

    10. 平形麻紀, 岡本創, 萩原雄一朗, 吉田良, 早坂忠裕, 沖理子, CloudSat/CALIPSO の複合利用による雲粒子タイプ識別の改良, 日本気象学会2012年度秋季大会, 北海道大学, 2012年10月3日. [HP]

    11. 平形麻紀, 岡本創, 萩原雄一朗, 吉田良, 早坂忠裕, CloudSat/CALIPSO の複合利用による雲粒子タイプ識別の初期所見, 日本気象学会2011年度秋季大会, 名古屋大学, 2011年11月16日. [HP]

    12. 平形麻紀, 岡本創, 萩原雄一朗, 吉田良, 早坂忠裕, ライダ搭載観測衛星CALIPSOによる雲粒子タイプ識別と相対湿度の関係, 日本気象学会2010年度春季大会, 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター, 東京, 2010年5月25日. [HP]

    13. 平形麻紀, 岡本創, 萩原雄一朗, 吉田良, 早坂忠裕, ライダ搭載観測衛星CALIPSO による雲粒子タイプの全球季節変動解析, 日本気象学会2009年度秋季大会, アクロス福岡, 2009年11月25日. [HP]


    1. Kikuchi, M., Overseas Training Report, ASL Seminar, Earth Observation Research Center (EORC), JAXA, Online, 20 August 2020. [in Japanese: 海外研修報告]

    2. Kikuchi, M., Cryosphere Observation by Japanese Satellites and Global Analysis on Cloud and Precipitation, Seminar, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, 20 February 2020.

    3. Kikuchi, M., Sensing Cloud and Precipitation from Space, CCRC Seminar, Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC), The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 23 October 2019. [CCRC]

    4. Kikuchi, M., Cloud and Precipitation Remote Sensing from Space, Discipline Seminar, Earth Science Discipline, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia, 27 May 2019.

    5. Kikuchi, M., Observational Study on Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Clouds, Precipitation and Aerosols - Doctoral Thesis Report -, ASL Seminar, Earth Observation Research Center, JAXA, Tsukuba, Japan, 15 November 2018. [in Japanese: 雲・降水・エアロゾルの時空間特性に関する観測的研究 〜D論報告〜]

    6. Kikuchi, M., Earth Observation Satellite Development and Application Research in JAXA, Radiation Research Seminar, Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies (CAOS), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 6 October 2015. [in Japanese: JAXAにおける地球観測衛星開発とデータ利用研究, 放射研究セミナー, 東北大学大気海洋変動観測研究センター]

    7. Hirakata, M., Challenges to Cloud Particle Type, Satellite Research Colloquium, Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), Tsukuba, Japan, 5 August 2011. [in Japanese: 雲粒子タイプへの挑戦]

    8. Hirakata, M., Challenges to Cloud Particle Type, ASL Seminar, Earth Observation Research Center (EORC), JAXA, Tsukuba, Japan, 4 August 2011. [in Japanese: 雲粒子タイプへの挑戦]

Guest Lectures

    1. Kikuchi, M., Japan Meteorological Agency Collaboration through JAXA Himawari Monitor Development, The 1st Lecture in Satellite Data Application Course for Solving Social Issues, JAXA, Online, 4 December 2020. [in Japanese: JAXAひまわりモニタ開発を通じた気象庁連携, 第1回社会課題解決を目指したJAXA衛星データ利用講座, JAXA]

    2. Kikuchi, M. (with Meoka Yamaji and Yoshiaki Kinoshita): Let's Understand about Global Warming, COVID-19 Learning Support Project Online Course, Japanese School of Paris, Online, 20 May 2020. [in Japanese: 温暖化を知ろう, COVID-19学習支援企画オンライン講座, パリ日本人学校]

    3. Kikuchi, M., Climate Variability - Sensing from Space, Room VG10, GEOS3340 Climate Change and Resource Management, Callaghan Campus, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia, 22 October 2019. [CWCL Facebook]

    4. Hirakata, M., Earth Observation Satellite: EarthCARE and GPM, Hyperwall Lecture, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, 28 July – 1 August 2014.

    5. Hirakata, M., Theme - Space, TIS Summer Camp, Tsukuba International School, Tsukuba, Japan, 25 July 2013.

  • Japanese presentation shown here was translated into English.

  • "Hirakata" is Maki's maiden name.