This google site was created for the maker mondays design sprint @ education Scotland's creativity in leadership and learning week - 22nd March - 26th march 2021. the design sprint was be Led by: Clare Hoare, Creative Learning Officer @ Stirling Council and Jane Boyes, Designer @

You can find information about the creativity in leadership and learning week design sprint Challenge and a 30 minute video for each day plus jamboards and other information in this shared google drive

we have created an open access folder incase you would like to try a design sprint yourself in school. the videos and documents might give you an idea of how you can take a design sprint forward yourself.

If you would like further information please email clare @

scroll down for the daily sprint sessions

Mission of the Design Sprint

Our Maker Mondays 'Creativity in Leadership and learning' challenge comes from Paul Gorman from Hidden giants. Here is a summary of the challenge for the week.

"I would like you to think about what is needed now to help us rebuild, remake and reimagine what our world could be after Covid 19. What do you need in your life to help things get back to a new normal? What does your family need, your community need or your school need? What does Scotland need? Think, ask and talk about about the things that are maybe missing, or that we need more or less of, and create something – design something new."

Paul Gorman, Hidden Giants

Link to a full PDF transcript of the challenge:

we will summarise each day's workshop below and add helpful tips and links to any documents and videos that might help you to complete the task set

Click here for all the relevant documents for the week

Monday's workshop: Empathy

recap on monday's workshop

the first stage in design thinking and trying to find a solution to the challenge set by hidden giants is Empathy.

empathy will help you to understand and define the challenge and consider how it might affect other people, plants, animals or environment etc.

to help you empathise and understand the challenge you can ask something called the 5W and 1H questions.

Why, What, Where, Who, When, How

These are interrogative questions which really help in information gathering, problem solving and creating a story. They are used by people in lots of different Jobs– such as journalists, police, product designers and researchers.

the video is a fun way to understand how to use the why, what, where, who, when, how questions.

Link to todays jam board:

link to shared document file:

Monday's task: Come up with 10 why, what, where, who, when, how questions that will help you and the design sprint team to understand and define the Maker mondays challenge. add them to the Google Form by 5pm on monday so we can share them on tuesday. Here is the Google Form to add your 5W and 1H questions:

Tuesday's workshop: Research

find out more about the challenge and the focus

recap on tuesday's workshop

Today we:

  • reflected on yesterdays empathy session

  • had a look at yesterdays 5W1H questions via jamboard

  • Selected ten of the questions that resonated with everyone attending todays session and spoke about these

what next:

The challenge that has been set is very broad with many potential solutions. Using the what, why, when, where, who, how question that have been selected... see jamboard

begin to think about the specific area you would like to focus your research and use either the 10 questions selected, or your own 5w's and 1H questions, to begin your research to understand the challenge in more depth:


  • define the challenge to something more specific using what we have found out via the initial what, why, when, where, who, how question (i.e. How might we....reduce loneliness for people living on their own)

  • use the what, why, when, where, who, how questions to research the specific area.

  • you might create further what, why, when, where, who, how question while you are engaging in the research to deepen the research and learning.

  • you might redefine the question. That is absolutely fine this is a circular process, not linear and you will continue to empathise as you research.

  • Where might you do your research, who might you speak to?

  • take notes throughout to keep track of what you are learning.

  • share what you have found out and what your focus is via the Google form

Tuesday's challenge: begin to think about the specific area you would like to focus your research and use either the 10 questions selected, or your own 5w's and 1H questions to begin your research to understand the challenge in more depth. We would love you to share what you have found out and what your focus is

Wednesday's workshop: Ideate

Recap on Wednesday's workshop:

today we:

1. Introduced the IDEATE stage

2. Played the ideate video (below but here is the link as well

3. Took a quick look at outcomes from yesterday's jamboard

3. shared The brief

4. we jammed

5. shared the Next steps

IDEATe: most people love this stage. This is where you get to let your imagination run wild. it is often the stage that people go to first as it is the fun stage and we all like to create. However ideation without empathy, defining the problem and doing research can lead to solutions that are not suitable for the people / thing you are creating solutions for.

Keys to ideation;

  • It’s an opportunity to be bold, curious, imaginative, collaborative, open minded and kind.

  • Focus on quantity – get as many ideas down as you can.

  • Explore possibilities. Unusual ideas are welcome

  • You might combine ideas together

  • Be collaborative, not competitive. Work together for a common cause

  • No criticism – focus on extending or adding to an idea, not being negative

the original challenge was so broad and there are many possible answers to the questions.

We had three challenge inquiry's submitted, asking questions around mental health, loneliness and education. we decided on the inquiry around loneliness and isolation. We applied the most popular who, what, why, when, where, how questions from tuesday to this challenge.

  • What are the hidden impacts of the pandemic?

    • Loneliness and isolation (caused by living alone, or mental health issues)

  • What makes people happy?

    • A sense of belonging

  • What have we done differently in the last year that has been positive?

    • The evolution of flexible working and digital platforms which for some might have created isolation, or for others prevented isolation.

We began to ideate using jam board. people shared ideas and built on ideas submitted by others. it's possible to continue to do this until 5pm today.

today's task:

we would like you to ideate around the challenge presented and continue to build your ideas. Throughout Consider what works well / even better if.

We would love you to come back tomorrow and share with us a first stage prototype idea. Work up that idea as a draft drawing, model or mind map – if it is an object that you have created consider what size it is, what it will look like, what materials it will be made of etc. If it is an idea, a service (for example daily phone calls to an older person who experiencing loneliness) – how will you enable this to happen, who will be involved.

Wednesday's Task: we would like you to ideate around the challenge presented and continue to build your ideas. Throughout Consider what works well / even better if.

We would love you to come back tomorrow and share with us a first stage prototype idea. Work up that idea as a draft drawing, model or mind map – if it is an object that you have created consider what size it is, what it will look like, what materials it will be made of etc. If it is an idea, a service (for example daily phone calls to an older person who experiencing loneliness) – how will you enable this to happen, who will be involved.

Thursday's workshop: Reflect and Prototype

recap on Thursday's workshop

Today we:

what next:

  • watch the video (below) about prototype.

  • continue to build on the ideas presented during the day using the jamboard, workbook or your own notebooks. remember to refer back to your empathy and research stages to ensure that what you are creating is suitable for the people / place / environment you are creating it for. Using the what, why, when, where, who, how questions can be helpful here.

  • prepare and practice you presentation for Fridays session at 9.30am.

  • you can send ideas / presentations to

(for anyone that is taking part remotely because you are unable to access the Google Meet workshops, you are very welcome to send across your ideations and prototypes and we will pop them up on this website)

THursday's Task: watch the video about prototype. continue to build on the ideas presented during the day using the jamboard, workbook or your own notebooks. remember to refer back to your empathy and research stages to ensure that what you are creating is suitable for the people / place / environment you are creating it for. Using the what, why, when, where, who, how questions can be helpful here. You can do further research at this stage too. prepare and practice you presentation for Fridays session at 9.30am. you can send ideas / presentations to

Friday's workshop: Share

recap on fridays workshop

Today we:

  • reflected on yesterdays session

  • St Edwards PS shared another idea

  • we worked together on that idea so that the developer could go away and work up their idea more

  • we spoke about the final prototype and test stage and what you would do next in a real life situation.

what next:

  • watch the video (below) about testing your prototype.

  • continue to build on your idea and get it ready to test. remember to refer back to your empathy and research stages to ensure that what you are creating is suitable for the people / place / environment you are creating it for. Using the what, why, when, where, who, how questions can be helpful here.

  • you can send your final prototype / reflections to and I will put them up on this website (there will be a link to this website on the education scotland improvement hub).

  • please see the gallery page to see any of the ideas produced during the week.

(for anyone that is taking part remotely because you are unable to access the Google Meet workshops, you are very welcome to send across your ideations and prototypes and we will pop them up on this website)

test video


mIf you have any questions please email:

Clare @

This google site has been created for the maker mondays design sprint @ education Scotland's creativity in leadership and learning week - 22nd March - 26th march 2021