How To Make Money Online On Tik Tok?

You might have read or heard the phrase that the world is a global village. Well, it wasn’t before the internet stepped into the picture.

It has brought a drastic change to our society in terms of literally everything. Whether we look at it from the aspect of connectivity, or we analyze our day-to-day routines, there’s a lot that depends on it now. In between all that, the internet has also changed the way people earn.

For a normal person, earning money is not limited to having a traditional 9-5 job now. As long as you have any skill, you can earn good money, and all of that, at the ease of your home. As long as you can get the job done, you can find several opportunities that can help you to improve your skills and earn a handsome amount at the same time.

So, if you are interested in starting a passive income source along with your job, or want to quit the job for good, the online world is open to you. Here are 5 ways to earn money online in 2021 that can help you to generate an income of more than $1000 per month easily. These include freelancing, blogging, affiliate marketing, drop shipping, and online selling. To find out more, let’s have a look at these in a detail. At the end of the article you will find a secret method just for you.

Go live on TikTok and livestream to your followers

To be able to make money on TikTok, you need to have at least 1,000 followers on TikTok.

And although the age minimum for TikTok in general is 13, you need to be at least 16 years old to use the TikTok livestream feature.

TikTok users can go into their profiles to purchase digital ‘coins’ at the rate of $1.39 for a hundred coins.

If you’re over 18, and you go live on TikTok, your followers can donate ‘digital coins’ to you which you ultimately can convert into ‘diamonds’. Once you collect a minimum of 10,000 diamonds, you can convert them into US dollars at a rate of $50.

Affiliate Marketing

To monetize your TikTok account and make money on TikTok with affiliate marketing, you need to join affiliate programs related to your TikTok account niche.

To make money on TikTok you can post your affiliate links to your TikTok or recommend products in your TikTok videos and make a commission on any sales you generate.

If done well, affiliate links can make you a tonne of money on TikTok.

To make money on TikTok, check out affiliate networks such as Shareasale, Clickbank, Awin, etc. You can also join individual affiliate programs directly from the brands’ websites or by Googling: “BRAND + affiliate program.”

Since TikTok, just like Google and YouTube, has a solid user base of engaged users, it’s an additional place where potential customers for businesses hang out every day making it a perfect place for promoting affiliate links.

You need at least 10,000 followers on TikTok To be able to post a clickable link on your TikTok bio. For instance, a fashion blogger Sophie Shohet uses this feature to promote affiliate links:

Print on Demand and Merchandise

You could also consider making money on TikTok by designing eye-catching merchandise such as e-cards, face masks, lapel pins and badges, t-shirts, tote bags, mugs, wedding-postponed gifts, stickers and tattoos, social distance bracelets, etc.,on anything funny, entertaining, educative, or relatable.

Once you’ve done so, list them on print on demand (P.O.D) platforms whereby you simply upload your artwork, and the company takes care of everything else – printing and shipping your merchandise to the final customer on your behalf – such as Spreadshirt, Teespring, Zazzle, Sunfrogshirts, Merch by Amazon, etc.

You can then plaster links to your POD shop on to your TikTok account.

TikTok followers pay close attention to TikTok bios and captions, so using affiliate marketing links is a great way to grab their attention and make that sale.

Since links in TikTok bios are non-clickable for accounts with less than 10,000 followers, adding a URL may not be the best idea if you haven’t already hit this threshold as fans will need to copy the promoted link to be led to the respective landing page.

Thus, it’s better to link your Instagram and YouTube accounts in your bio and then make a call to action on your videos inviting your viewers to click on either the links.

With the affiliate links, you will earn a commission on each sale you generate from your TikTok account.

Use relevant hashtags each time you post a TikTok video.

Shout outs

According to Social Toaster: 92% of individuals trust word-of-mouth recommendations, 76% of people say that they’re more likely to trust content shared by common people than brands, and 82% of customers want to get referrals from friends before making a purchasing decision.

It’s no secret therefore that TikTok has strong sales potential, so more and more brands want to use TikTok to get their products and services, reach out to their target audiences, and increase sales.

With shoutouts, you can make money on TikTok either directly on your account if you have a significant enough following, or by reaching out to TikTokers with large followings and paying them to shoutout your brand, service, account, etc.

Take advantage of freelancing platforms such as Fiverr, and list your TikTok Shoutout gig.

According to Business Instagram, over 25 million businesses and 2 million advertisers are on the platform.


All in all, investing your time and effort into TikTok will eventually pay off in the long run. And you’re not too late to jump onto the TikTok bandwagon and start to monetize your TikTok account today. If you want to speed up the process you can check out right now this method!