Hormonal Harmony | HB-5 Reviews

Advanced Hormone Balance Support

NONE of my old clothes fit on me anymore

Actually, I realize that virtually all of my weight problems were due to HORMONES that I fixed like magic within 60 days

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Product Review

Today we will discuss "Hormone Harmony" or "HB 5" supplements. This is an impeccable discovery by Dr. Eric J. Wood. It has a significant contribution to make in fixing the five hormonal problems together and in the same way.

Hundreds of millions of people in the world today suffer from weight gain problems, which are accompanied by a number of postoperative problems, such as brain fog, irregular metabolism, excessive stress, memory loss, lack of energy, or mood swings, etc. The problem is exacerbated when women notice that after just 30 years of age, fat starts to build up in different parts of their body, especially in the waist, neck, belly, and buttocks. After mid-thirties when women start to get out of menstruation, their body fat increases abnormally. This causes their body to lose its ability to work, they fall asleep at any moment, they feel hungry even after eating, and then they become accustomed to eating as much as they want and start thinking that for all these reasons Eating habits and living are responsible, which fall them into the deep dark depression.

But believe me, if you read this article till the end, you will get an accurate and simple solution to all your problems without any side effects. You do not have to change your diet or do any physical exercise, and you will notice this change in the next 15 days.

Hormonal Harmony HB-5

First, let's simplify the matter a little ..

The inventor of HB 5 Dr. Eric J. Wood researched these issues for a long, has arrived at the resolution that the five hormonal blocks in our body are liable for this load of issues. They are separately Thyroid, Cortisol, Estrogen, Insulin, and Leptin.

If you can't fix these five blocks of your body together, you can't get rid of weight gain by changing your diet or exercising.

Let's try to figure out in the next 15 minutes what might be the problems for these five blocks, what is the solutions, and finally what is the one and best solution for all these blocks?

The First Block That Stops You To Lose Weight Is Thyroid

The Problems

It is a tiny gland located in the front of your neck. The role of your thyroid is to take in iodine which is found in different foods, and then it is converted into two hormones. Which are called T3 and T4. These thyroid hormones then regulate your metabolism through the bloodstream. It converts calories and fats into energy and transmits that energy to your cells to perform all the functions necessary to keep your body healthy.

But when your body has thyroid problems, the hormones may not work properly. It then stores those calories as fat instead of burning calories. In this case, even if you exercise all day from starvation, You can't prevent weight gain.

During this time you may suffer from brain fog. This may be due to the thyroid hormone because your brain uses too much energy, if your metabolism is lost due to starvation, and no energy is available, then it can happen.

Therefore you need to plan perfectly to fix this hormone block.

The Solutions

When your thyroid is unable to produce enough of its two main hormones, T3 and T4, it cannot properly control your body's metabolism, which leads to brain fog and fatigue, and produces fat. You need to make more T3 and T4 to fix the thyroid gland and keep it moving with your bloodstream. Only then you will be able to control your metabolism properly.

The fastest way to produce T3 and T4 hormones are to make your diet more iodine-rich. Because the function of your thyroid is to take iodine, then convert it to T3 and T4.

But a recent study found that at least 2 billion people have an iodine deficiency. Dr. Wood recommends supplementing your diet with iodine-rich kelp.

A major double-blind clinical trial published in the American College of Endocrinology found that “short-term dietary supplementation with kelp significantly increased both basal and poststimulation TSH [thyroid hormone].

Researchers have found that it is possible to restore thyroid function by providing kelp in daily routine to the human body. Supplementation with just a moderate dose of iodine-rich kelp extract improves the production of both T3 and T4.

A 2016 study in the Environmental Health Journal found that supplementation of Copper, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, and Selenium leads to increase levels of T3 and T4 in the bloodstream.

Dr. Wood recommends a diet rich in copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, and selenium. So this is the way you can take care of this hormonal problem that occurs in the thyroid.

The Second Block That Stops You To Lose Weight Is Cortisol

The Problems

There are two adrenal glands above your kidneys that produce a hormone called cortisol, also referred to as "stress hormones". Because it is manifested when you feel stress, But when your cortisol levels are always high, it stops your metabolism and even affects your digestion and some parts of the brain, because your brain can't measure the difference between harmless stress and real stress.

When it goes to high levels, it takes energy from anywhere including your metabolism, your digestive system, and even parts of your brain, and sends this energy to places like your muscles and your heart, That allows your body to absorb energy instead of burning fat.

After this condition, it becomes impossible to shed your body fat.

The Solutions

Cortisol is a hormone that stimulates stress levels in the human body. It also affects poor metabolism, immunity, and the brain. One way to avoid this is to reduce stress levels. But in today's world, it is almost impossible to reduce stress levels in most people's lives.

In this case, Dr. Wood suggested using Rhodiola Rosea on diet as a Complementary (Rhodiola is a perennial flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae. It grows naturally in wild Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America.) Experiments have shown that Rhodiola helps to supply normal cortisol by reducing the feeling of anxiety reduction, and helps to burn fat.

New research in both humans and animals is finding that supplementing with Rhodiola can Significantly increase the rate at which our bodies burn fat, Reduce the content of bad, fatty acids in the bloodstream, and reduce the build-up of visceral white fat.

Dr. Wood also recommends adding Red Ginseng to the diet to maintain cortisol balance, because studies have shown that it helps to exert a gross antagonistic effect in humans.

The Third Block That Stops You To Lose Weight Is Estrogen

The Problems

Estrogen is also referred to as a “sex hormone”. When estrogen levels are low or high with progesterone (another important female reproductive hormone), unable to maintain balance, it begins to impair the ability to lose weight. Due to the imbalance of estrogen, more and more fat starts to accumulate in the waist and buttocks of women. In this condition, no matter how much you diet or exercise, losing weight becomes almost impossible. Between the ages of 30 and 35 women usually come out from their reproductive years. From this time on, women start having estrogen problems, and it gets worse by the age of 40. After 40, the amount of fat accumulation in the body continues to increase. Only if you can keep your estrogen levels normal during these years you will be able to lose some pounds from your body.

The Solutions

To fix or balance the Estrogen level, Dr. Wood referred to supplementing the diet with diindolylmethane (or DIM for short).

Diindolylmethane is a compound, found in broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage. Diindolylmethane is utilized for preventing breast, uterine, and colorectal cancer. It is also used to prevent an enlarged prostate and treat premenstrual syndrome. Its improved estrogen digestion with DIM creates all the more great estrogen metabolites, which rival testosterone for protein restricting, assisting with keeping a somewhat higher free testosterone level.

In a human study, that was published in the Thyroid journal, Researchers found, Estrogen metabolism restores the ability to work properly in patients who receive a dose of Diindolylmethane just for 14 days.

Diindolylmethane helps estrogen to break down in the liver into “healthier hormonal metabolites”, That helps to prevent the effects of estrogen on cells, such as slows some cancer cells, lowers toxins produced by your body's natural metabolism, improve memory power and mood, Reduces symptoms of PMS, etc. Researchers also note that it suppresses high-fat-diet-induced obesity. This leads them to the conclusion that DIM has the ability to protect against ongoing weight gain.

The Fourth Block That Stops You To Lose Weight Is Insulin

The Problems

Attempts to lose weight when the body's insulin levels rise are in vain. The hormone insulin is usually produced in the body by the pancreas. According to world-renowned health expert, Dr. Mark Hyman's word the monster hormone that causes weight gain is excess insulin.

Insulin helps your body to convert the different foods you eat into glucose and then your body advises you to store this sugar as glycogen in your muscles. The problem is that your muscles can only store a limited amount of glycogen at a time, and when your muscles start to release glycogen, you have no choice but to store extra glycogen in your body as fat. Obviously, this is not acceptable in cases where you are trying to be fit more or are trying to lose weight. It gets worse when you have high levels of insulin in your body.

The Solutions

If insulin levels in the body continue to rise from a normal, healthy range, more nutrients in your diet will force your body to accumulate fat. The way to avoid this is to reduce the number of carbs, processed foods, and refined sugars.

Dr. Wood referred; you should consider supplementing your diet with cinnamon extract. Because cinnamon is one of the most studied and scientifically supported ingredients that fix the insulin's healthy level.

In a 2015 study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine and which was randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled, where researchers gave 173 adults either 500 mg of cinnamon extract or a placebo, for two months. At the end of this 60 day period, the placebo group was unable to show any significant changes, while the cinnamon group showed reduced insulin levels, lower cholesterol levels, and less erratic blood sugar, plus those who took the cinnamon supplement also showed a reduction in their Body Mass Index.

In a 2017 randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial of 116 overweight individuals, Researchers was found that taking a cinnamon supplement led to a significant decrease in waist circumference.

A group of scientists has found that regular cinnamon supplementation results in weight loss, BMI reduction, waist circumference reduction, and fat mass reduction in adults.

Therefore cinnamon extract can stand as an easy way to lose your body weight.

The Fifth Block That Stops You To Lose Weight Is Leptin

The Problems

Leptin, a hormone delivered from the fat cells situated in fat tissues, conveys messages to the nerve center in the mind. This specific hormone controls and adjusts the food admission period and energy use. This is why Leptin is often referred to as your “fullness hormone”. As well as managing hunger, Leptin has been found to assume numerous parts in the body, including boosting the invulnerable framework, lessening irritation, and making solid bones. That is the normal way to Leptin work.

But as your body weight begins to increase, your fat cells begin to produce more leptin, and these leptin signals in your brain will begin to flow non-stop way. Until your brain starts to ignore these signals completely.

In this situation, you will always feel hungry, you start eating the wrong foods, and you will almost crave salty, sweet, or crispy foods. For this reason, you will gain more weight which makes your leptin resistance worse.

The Solutions

As your body weight begins to increase, your body begins to produce extra leptin. The effect of this is that we feel increasingly hungry and crave the wrong kind of food. In other words, you will always feel hungry after completely quenching your hunger. This will make it almost impossible for you to lose weight.

Under these circumstances Dr. Wood suggests, adding a single ingredient to your diet, and that is African Mango. Scientists found that enhancing with African Mango for a month only further developed body weight, muscle to fat ratio, and midsection boundary, and furthermore it also improves Leptin balance.

Plus research published in the Journal of Obesity concluded that the effects of African mango reduced Leptin levels in patients. The effect is helping to reduce excess body fat

The Ingredients To Balancing Hormones

If you looking back at the review above, you will notice that each of the five hormones blocks issues we've discussed so far requires different ingredients to remedy the problem. Let's list them once.

As per Dr. Wood's recommendations…

For Fixing Problem Of Thyroid

Ingredients you require

Kelp, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese

Dr. Wood also asked for adding in B12 and Bladderwrack (another type of iodine-rich seaweed) with your daily routine

For Fixing Problem Of Cortisol

Ingredients you require

Rhodiola Rosea Extract and Red Ginseng

For Fixing Problem Of Estrogen

Ingredients you require

Diindolylmethane (DIM)

For Fixing Problem Of Insulin

Ingredients you require


For Fixing Problem Of Leptin

Ingredients you require

African Mango

The Final Problems That interrupt To Balance Your Hormones Naturally

That means, solving all the problems you need to requires 13 different elements that you have to collect from different regions around the globe. Such as, Cinnamon extract, which comes from organic farms in Sri Lanka. The African mango, which is sustainably harvested in small batches of the Ivory Coast. Rhodiola Rosea, which is grown in the frozen mountains of Northern Alaska. That’s a big problem of time and collection; also, you have no idea what amount of ingredients have to use for your body.

Another big problem is that these five hormone blocks need to be fixed together. If you think about improving one and then move on to the rest, all your efforts will be in vain. The step you take to fix a single hormone block, the other four blocks will make you fail because of their abnormal behavior.

The Ultimate Supplement To Start Lose Weight

Dr. Wood start researching, How to solve all these problems in just one way. After a few months of research, testing, and experimentation, DR. Wood created an ultimate solution named "Hormonal Balance 5" or "HB5" where these 13 ingredients were used in the perfect amount.

Each bottle of this HB-5 is a state-of-the-art facility in the United States manufactured through GMP-certified and FDA-compliant agencies. Each batch is then analyzed by an independent U.S. lab for purity, safety, and quality. Dr. Wood also did tests the quality of HB5 through another third-party laboratory to make sure if it is going to be the highest quality.

Dr. Wood has reportedly talked to some patients who used his prescribed HB5, and he found them all are happy after using this product. They are starting to feel the change in their body. They are starting to get more energy in the morning, which continues throughout the day. They are able to sleep endlessly at night, which gives their bodies a real rest that they have longed for. All their exasperation and anxieties have begun to subside, and their mood becomes more and more steady.

And above all, bodyweight loss… Some of Dr. Wood's patients lost 34lbs in just over 90 days of using HB5.

How To Take Pills To Lose Weight Fast

The process of taking it is very simple. You need to take three capsules per day, which you can take with or without a meal. Each bottle of HB5 contains a full 30 day supply with 90 capsules.

Within the first 15 days of using it, you will notice that your body is suddenly losing weight for the first time. Your lost energy is coming back; you are sleeping soundly every night.

You only need to use three small capsules a day. In just 60 days, you will find yourself looking healthy, strong, energetic, and lean.

Some Customer's Opinions

Mary-Anne in Arkansas says…

“I had my doubts, but a week after using HB5 my husband noticed I didn’t have problems getting up in the morning. I was also sleeping better. I had more energy throughout the day, and I felt so good I started going to Yoga again. I missed feeling like this! Now I’m back and my husband and kids are so happy. Oh, and I didn’t even get to the weight loss. The numbers on the scale are ticking down instead of up. This is the first time in a long time that’s happened. I’m so pleased and thankful!”

Jillian in Texas writes…

“Down 19lbs so far. I’ve lost weight on fad diets before, but this is different. I’m losing fat from places where it’s always been stuck. And the energy, my god. It’s very subtle, not at all jittery. But it’s remarkable how much more I’m getting done each day.”

And Ronnie in Ohio says…

“I was a little worried that maybe this only worked for the ladies. Well, it doesn’t. It works for us fellas too. I’ve lost 31lbs since I started with HB5. The guys at work noticed that and asked what I was doing. So I told them, they ordered HB5 too, and now they’re all walking around happy and slim too. The only annoying thing is that I always have to wear a belt now because none of my old pants or shorts fit me. But that’s a small price to pay.”

The Conclusion

Overall this HB5 supplement is made entirely of natural ingredients; no side effects have been reported so far. This has yielded positive results in the vast majority of patients. However, it is important for pregnant women and those with chronic complications to consult an experienced physician.

So my suggestion is to add HB5 supplement with your diet from today with a 100% Money Back Guarantee in 180 Days.

The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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**Complete information in this article is collected from Hormonal Harmony official page and Google search. For this, our website has not done any medical tests separately.

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