Authentic Education

My work with schools on this subject focuses largely on teaching a problem-based (PBL) approach, through which educators can tap into student creativity and personal interests, make the best use of resources, and address issues of equity.

Effective authentic learning goes beyond teaching strategies. It requires building a certain organizational culture and exploring our beliefs as a (learning) community. Here's a short introductory blog on the subject. Click any of the three links below to find out more.

IN MEMORIAM Grant Wiggins, co-author of the popular Understanding by Design method of curriculum design, didn't make up the term "authentic education," but he certainly was one of its greatest proponents. With his untimely death in 2015, his online site was also silenced but his many books and articles remain. I spoke to Grant while writing my dissertation, and he was generous and gracious in supporting my thesis development. Here is a wonderful tribute from Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance), itself a great resource.