@p4sh4 losing my freaking mind with this too, I've got a laptop where I used my mail normally. yesterday my new laptop arrived and when I tried to log in, that error again and again and again, tried everything, loged off from everywhere, still nothing. I can't log with my two google accounts which I need because college and nothing, but the worse is that I can log normally into outlook but i just don't want to, I want Mail app

Do you use an App Password? If so, try a new App Password. Sometimes, changes (i.e. updates) are made to the iPhone, and then mail server syncing becomes an issue (which is what a new App Password it intended to fix). Go here for gmail: Sign in with App Passwords - Google Account Help - Google

Download Gmail On My Laptop

Download šŸ”„ https://bltlly.com/2y2RNp šŸ”„

Yesterday my friend jokingly said he has my gmail logged in on his personal laptop. I told him he should prove it because I have two factor authentication and I recently changed my password. However when I asked what my current password was he remained silent while smiling (maybe he's trolling me?). I asked his brother whether or not it's true and he said that my friend has a software that allows him to ''catch'' gmail passwords so even if you change your password it would still show up in that software of his and update on it's own. He you only have to login once with the old password then even if I change it the software will still record and ''catch'' the new password.

TLDR is there a software that can ''catch'' gmail passwords off the internet?. I am 99% sure they are bullshitting me but it never hurts to be sure because I wouldn't want my privacy violated or debit cards hacked.

I turned on archive to run every 180 days .Ā 

It MOVES email from gmail to the archive folder and removes them from the gmail server (imap )Ā 

I do not use local folders only archive so I have no experience on what archive does to local folders.

However Gmail is sneaky you may have to go on Gmail to the ALL MAIL folder and manually remove the archived items. Gmail wants you to use up space so they can charge you. Unless this changed recently

There is are no Thunderbird accounts. Email accounts come from email providers.Thunderbird is software on your computer and Mozilla has no control over it.Who did the message come from? Looks like gmail from the address you posted. Ask them.

Gmail account gets signed out each time I restart My laptop. I'm on the latest version of Brave browser for Ubuntu[Version 1.61.104 Chromium: 120.0.6099.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)]. This happens specifically with Gmail accounts for me and I have also tried different accounts.

In the latest version of Gmail, you can make calls easily from any device, be it a laptop, your Android smartphone or tablet, or your iPhone. You will find the ways to make those calls easily on any device here.

I worked on an office laptop and signed into my Gmail on Edge. I never logged out, and Edge automatically signs in if someone types in Gmail. What can do to prevent someone from logging into my Gmail and seeing my emails from my account if I no longer have access to the work laptop?

I had a client who wished to do the same thing, but after many attempts with many email clients, No email client exists that can cope reliably with 200gb of emails. Upgrading the gmail account is the easiest option.

Another method is using the standalone email archiver called mailarchiva. It is free up to 10 email accounts and easily connects to gmail. This will download all your mail but you will need your own server.

If your laptop or smartphone was stolen, you can use a service like Gmail or Dropbox to find the IP address of your thief. When you log into those services from any computer, it logs the IP address used, and displays your last used IP in your account. In Gmail, it's in the bottom right-hand corner under "Details," and in Dropbox, it's in Settings > Security under the details of each individual computer. If the thief used your computer, the last logged IP address may be theirs instead of yours. Again, though, if they're smart, they didn't use your computer and this trick won't work.

We can't stress this enough: the best way to avoid this situation is to take precautions ahead of time: install software like Prey, LoJack for Laptops, or Find My iPhone. Keep your gear with you at all times. Make sure your doors are locked. The best way to keep your laptop in your hands is to prevent it from falling into others' in the first place. After someone steals it, you're riding on luck.

I have a "main" Gmail account, which I set to keep logged in, on my laptop. This "main" Gmail account is important, because it's the email address I used to sign up for many other services (and, so, if I forget my password on these other services, I get the password reset link sent to this Gmail account).

even if I act quickly and use a different device (ie, one that I didn't lose) to force my main account to log off of the stolen laptop, the person who found my backpack would still see that my main Gmail account is used on this laptop (ie because when they open up google, they see google accounts "added" to the Chrome browser as account options for logging in). Then, they could use my phone to "recover" my main Gmail account.

If you use proper password on your laptop, then guessing it can take millions of years. The more realistic scenario would be to shut your laptop down, extract disk, read it in some other system. If your file system is not encrypted, then the attacker may read cookies and try to restore your session. If your laptop was stolen by some occasional people, not by some prepared attacker, it may take several days, until somebody get access to the data on your disk. You will have a lot of time to reset password.

Your assumptions about compromising your account via stolen laptop ad phone are not quite correct. The problems without having any phone attached to the account can be more serious than in case of having it attached. That's why I would suggest to attach a phone to the account.

McBride refurbishes the laptops through Laptops 4 Africa, an initiative that was created by a group of Millburn High School students. McBride said Laptops 4 Africa is in the process of obtaining a 501(c)3 status.

So far, 21 students have received a laptop, explained Alexander's father, James McBride. James McBride said the recipients are mostly from the girls school in Tanzania, and some are from Kenya and Zambia.

"Masters students are supposed to conduct research in their area of specialization. In this case, I will use the laptop you have donated to write a proposal that I will present in the university. Later I will go to collect data, analyze, and finally to compile all the data to write up my dissertation,' stated Lukas.

The only individually identifiable information available on the stolen laptop was the first and last name and spectacle lens order of some of the patients who have ordered glasses since July of 2013, the company said. The laptop did not contain any other individually identifiable information, such as dates of birth, Social Security numbers, addresses, or telephone numbers.

True Vision is in the process of evaluating its practices and procedures to ensure that protected health information is more secure in the future, including that patient information is not downloaded to any laptop computer or other mobile device, unless the mobile device is password protected and encrypted, the company said in a press release.

I have Dropbox on my Android phone and all works fine when taking photos they sync and go into Dropbox. My laptop previously had Windows 10 and everything synced up fine and I could see all the photos on laptop.

Recently upgraded to Windows 11 but cannot get the Dropbox App to show all the historic photos as seen on the phone app.

How do I get to the correct account so as to sync everything backup correctly.

A clue in my name to my age so please reply in a language I can understand. i.e nothing to technicalĀ 

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