
María Ángeles Jurado Bravo is a doctor in English Linguistics. She defended her thesis at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) in November 2018 and she currently works as a lecturer at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain).

Her research focuses on analysing the relationship between foreign-accented speech and intelligibility, with a special interest in the use of lectometric methods. Her thesis, supervised by Dr. Gitte Kristiansen, analysed the degree of interference of regional Spanish accents in English pronunciation, and how this transfer affects international intelligibility.

She is the creator (with the invaluable help of a programmer) of ASPA Tools, a dialectometric online application which uses a variation of the Levenshtein Distance to measure the degree of intelligibility in foreign-accented speech.


E-mail: angeles.jurado.bravo[at]urjc.es