Where is it?

Country Fields & Country Meadows

map view

The 1-24 Well is located in the open space in Country Fields & Country Meadows. 

This is a densely populated neighborhood space with an elementary school. The run-off from this space goes directly to a wetlands area less than 50 ft from the school.

Two well-used playgrounds are on either side of the contaminated open space.

Paved trails are on three sides of the contaminated space. Many people walk their dogs and jog along these trails. 

 Other Photos and Videos

This video shows the proximity of the spill in the open space to the elementary school, Red Hawk. The video was taken from the sidewalk that kids and families use to get to school along Meller Street. The wetlands in the foreground receive the run-off from the open space contaminated soil. The end of the video shows the northern most access point to the open space. 

The photo on the left shows the Erie Parkway access to the open space. It shows that damage that was done to the Erie-owned landscape that is managed by the Canyon Creek HOA. The HOA is currently responsible for fixing any damage caused by any oil company activity.

The middle photo shows dog and human footprints where the well used to be. One can easily access the site with no barriers. 

The photo on the right shows the Erie Parkway access to the open space with the only sign indicating that people should keep off the land. It is right next to trails used for dog walkers and has no barriers. Homes are immediately to the left of this access point. The trees and wild grass on the right hand side of the photo are along a portion of the creek. The flat space above was where the well used to be.