Instructional Designer

I design illuminating and engaging learning experiences.

      Who Am I?

My knowledge lies in the art and science of instructional design.

Hi! I'm Maria Munoz, an instructional designer with experience in designing effective learning solutions. My approach involves meticulous analysis of learning gaps, audience characteristics, and organizational goals to create results-driven learning experiences.  I seamlessly blend adult learning principles with cutting-edge technology to ensure knowledge gaps are effectively addressed and learning experiences are optimized.

What Do I Do?

I design engaging learning experiences that both captivate individuals and yield tangible outcomes. 

Collaborating is at the heart of my process. I create engaging learning experiences that not only captivate but also deliver real, measurable results. By partnering with subject matter experts and stakeholders, I excel in transforming instructional goals into valuable and effective learning experiences. My expertise lies in thoroughly assessing learners' needs to craft enlightening and impactful learning solutions that align perfectly with business objectives. 

Check Out My Work

My Design Process


Design and Develop


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