The pomegranate was originally described throughout the Mediterranean region. It was introduced into Spanish America in the late 16th century and into California by Spanish settlers in 1769.[4] They are widely cultivated throughout the Middle East and Caucasus region, north and tropical Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, the drier parts of Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean Basin.[4] The fruit is typically in season in the Southern Hemisphere from March to May, and in the Northern Hemisphere from September to February.[5][6]

Red-purple in color, the pomegranate fruit husk has two parts: an outer, hard pericarp, and an inner, spongy mesocarp (white "albedo"), which comprises the fruit inner wall where seeds (arils) attach.[14] Membranes of the mesocarp are organized as nonsymmetric chambers that contain seeds inside sarcotestas, which are embedded without attachment to the mesocarp.[14] Containing juice, the sarcotesta is formed as a thin membrane derived from the epidermal cells of the seeds.[15][16] The number of seeds in a pomegranate can vary from 200 to about 1,400.[17]

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Now comes the fourth part of the fourth fascicle of IG XII, the sequence of the venerable corpus of Greek inscriptions, Inscriptiones Graecae, devoted to the islands of Cos and its Milesian neighbors Leros, Lepsia, and Patmos. The general approach, scope, and method of IG are long established and well known, and each of the preceding parts for Cos has been treated in BMCR ( IG XII.4.1: BMCR 2011.04.37; XII.4.2: BMCR 2013.10.67; XII.4.3: BMCR 2017.10.35); the present review will be confined to a summary of the particular contribution of this fascicle. The material already benefits from a freely available and widely accessible companion presentation, as the recent TELOTA project, developed by the Berlin Academy in conjunction with IG, publishes simplified versions of the text editions from this fascicle along with German translations online.

Both men continued gaming even after they were no longer roommates, but career opportunities soon took them to different parts of the world. Erikson continued one-on-one sessions with his friend, Mark Paxton-Macrae, creating the story of Karsa Orlong. He also refereed a more traditional game with five players whose characters formed the basis of Fiddler's squad in the Bonehunters and who helped guide the events of the final books in this part of the series.[14][9]

The reason complicated pneumonoconiosis was felt to be disabling was because of the extent of damage to the lung fields that the coal mine dust had caused. Almost like an eating away of the lung fields. Coal mine dust that was larger than five millimicrons was ordinarily expectorated from the lungs. Coal mine dust of three millimicrons or less was generally absorbed into the body or the blood stream. So that those who had inhaled dust greater than five millimicrons, ordinarily that was of such size that it was usually expectorated as part of cough or sputum or whatever out of the coal miner's lungs. Anything smaller than three millimicrons was generally absorbed into the blood stream and system, therefore, was of no particular consequence. But between three and five millimicrons is where the problem area lays, in terms of coal dust. More so with anthracite coal miners, for example up in the Pennsylvania region, than bituminous coal miners for soft coal mine in the other parts of the Appalachia down in West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee, because the silica content of anthracite coal dust was so much harder that it was far more destructive of lung tissue then soft coal was.

Hostility, we encountered hostility early on. The United Mine Workers welcomed us with opened arms, we worked very closely with them. I think even the coal mine operators pretty well accepted us, but then came an organization known as the Black Lung Association in the early 70s. That was an advocacy group or a variety of advocacy groups under the generic term Black Lung Association, that had various chapters throughout different parts of coal mine land, throughout Appalachia. And they started writing into Social Security, being highly critical of our allowance rate, of the way they thought we treated miners and their widows and dependents. Indeed, the very first missive we got from them was a list of ten demands, which opened with the line "stop treating us like dogs,"and we were called upon to respond to each and every one of those missives from the Black Lung Association, and from Congress and from taxpayers. Literally, I wrote hundreds of replies, personally, to organizations all across the country explaining, acting as an apologist, not apologizing for the Black Lung program. Even to the congressman themselves who enacted the legislation, who even helped to draft the legislation, who asked us to explain it to them. They didn't ask us in those terms, but they would appreciate a reply to their constituent's letter to them questioning certain aspects of the program. So we had to go back and explain to them what it was they had enacted.

So you can see there was a certain innate defensive reaction on our part to what we thought was unfair criticism, and yet we went ahead and got the job done. We had to develop pretty thick hides Larry, to be able to go forward and to get on with the job and the task at hand. I'll never forget one day going out to Pueblo, Colorado to meet with coal miners and the survivors at a meeting with one of my Department of Labor counterparts, he and I went out there. We walked into the meeting hall and there where two hundred and fifty people waiting on a hot, humid July day, 100 degrees or more, and we walked into this hall and there was a larger than life picture of Che Guevara with his bandoleer across there with his machine gun, his AK-47, slung over his shoulder. And Bob Littlemeyer and I turned and looked at each other and almost simultaneously said, "we've got problems." We're going to have a tough audience. This is a miners hall. You have to understand that at some of these meeting we had to almost literally wear flack jackets and pith helmets. But you get out there and you meet with them and you give your program acclamations. In fact, we ended up taking applications right there on the spot. Took off our coats and ties, rolled up our sleeves and went to work taking applications.

Dellums has had parts in television police dramas such as New York Undercover, Homicide: Life on the Street, and The Wire. He was featured on Homicide in a multi-season recurring role as fictional drug kingpin Luther Mahoney, and played a medical examiner on six episodes of The Wire. He also provided the narration for Key Constitutional Concepts, a documentary produced in 2006 by the Annenberg Foundation.[1] be457b7860

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