Independant Support Stations (ISS)

Maine has a unique vast area and communications challenges. In order to help this the Maine Section ARES has implemented the ISS designation for those who are unable to commit to a specific ARES team for various reasons. These stations support ARES like the ARRLs official emergency stations or OESs  (info on OES can be found here but without needing to be a member of the ARRL. These stations are still required to obtain training needed to ensure integration with ICS, ARES and the NTS. 

Any station wishing to be a ISS needs to complete the ARES Taskbook 2024 version and submit a copy along with a description on how the station can benefit Maine ARES including details on how the station is resilient and what the stations abilities would be "If all else fails". Once reviewed by the SEC a determination will be given on acceptance. If accepted the station will participate on a statewide level with Nets on 80 and 40 meters and be able to attend meetings via online format.