Call for papers

Submission Guidelines

MAInC-23 welcomes submissions reporting research that advances artificial intelligence, broadly conceived. The scope of the conference includes machine learning (deep learning, statistical learning, etc), natural language processing, computer vision, data mining, multiagent systems, knowledge representation, human-in-the-loop AI, search, planning, reasoning, robotics and perception, and ethics. Submitting is to be done via easychair:

The event will have three separate tracks: 

All three tracks will be given ample time for presentations.

Topics of special interest are:


We request extended abstracts of maximally 4 pages in Springer LNCS style OR abstracts of work already sumbitted/tpublished elsewhere of 1 page in the same style. Author names and affiliations should be included (i.e., there will not be blind reviewing). 

The submissions (for all three tracks) will be reviewed by at least two PC members and assessed by its scientific quality. When submitting, authors must specify in which track they wish to be by including the relevant keyword (methods, applications or society).

Currently, we do not plan for this first edition of MAInC to include formal conference proceedings. However, a digital collection of accepted papers and extended abstracts will be available for download before the conference (password-protected). Further possible publication plans (e.g. in future editions of MAInC, or in a special issue of an already-established academic journal) will be discussed during the meeting. 

Important Dates and procedures