Gmail sign up

Email is one of the fastest growing online services today. With an Email account, you can send email messages to your friends, relatives, and partners no matter where they are in the world (as long as there is internet, you can exchange emails back and forth with them easily. ).

Notes before creating a Gmail account

Instructions on how to register for a free  Gmail account quickly and latest 2020

Step 1: First, click on the following button:

 Sign up for Gmail

Step 2: Enter the information that Gmail requires, including:

After you have filled in the required information Gmail, you click the Next button.

Step 3: Continue to fill in the required information – optional parts can be omitted:

  Phone number (optional - optional): Should add your phone number to retrieve your password, account when needed, one phone number can link multiple Gmail.

  Recovery email address (optional – optional): If you have another email, enter it here, it will help with security alerts, password and account recovery when needed.

  Your date of birth: If the date of birth you entered at the time of registration is less than 15 years old, you cannot register an account yet.

  Gender : Choose your gender

After filling in the above information, click the Next button.

Step 4: Drag the scroll bar here to the bottom and then press the I agree button. It is recommended to read the terms here to understand your rights and responsibilities when signing up for Gmail.

You will now be taken to the account management page. Update your security information to keep your Gmail account safe. Access Gmail here.

Congratulations, you have successfully registered a Gmail account. You can already use Gmail to send and receive mail.

If Gmail asks to confirm registration by phone

Verifying your phone number is necessary to make your Gmail account more secure, but when you sign up for an account you don't want to confirm your phone number, do it this way (using Google Chrome, Coc Coc or Opera browsers are all Okay):

Step 1: Create a new user account for Google Chrome browser. You click on the browser's avatar as shown below (next to the 3-dot button along the top right corner) select More

Step 2: Enter the Name and then press the Done button, now Chrome will automatically switch to the browser for the newly created user. You just need to create Gmail on this new browser. Switch between users by clicking on the user avatar in the top right corner next to the 3 vertical dots button

Good luck!!! 

Let's learn a little about the concept of Email.

What is Gmail?

Gmail is currently the most popular email service of the "giant" Google. Signing up for Gmail is completely free. You can sign up for multiple Gmail accounts and can use one phone number (any network) to confirm multiple Gmail accounts.

With Gmail, you can store up to 15G for free, security is off the table because Google has always been one of the safest online service providers today.

What is email?

Email, also known as electronic mail, stands for Electronic Mail. With email, you can send email to each other like sending paper mail, but with incredible speed in seconds, unlimited space and time, only requires an internet connection and an email account.

Currently, there are many email services such as Gmail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail/Oulook, there are also some email services such as Zingmail, Gomail in the country. However, the majority of internet users use Gmail as their primary email inbox.

Create a Gmail account for what?