How to Tell a Patient They Missed an Appointment

There are a number of reasons why patients may miss appointments. For example, they may have to attend to a family emergency or a last minute work commitment. However, these reasons alone do not mean a patient has a duty to show up.

To help reduce the frequency of no-shows, healthcare practices need to put policies in place. These policies should include a plethora of information, including the cost-effectiveness of various options.

The best time to reach out to a patient regarding an appointment is at least 24 hours before the scheduled time. Having a waitlist of patients who can attend on short notice is also a good idea.

Another option is to use automated messaging to notify a patient of an upcoming appointment. This method is relatively simple to implement, and can almost guarantee a reminder in plenty of time.

When a patient misses an appointment, the doctor or clinic staff will need to decide what the appropriate course of action is. For instance, some doctors will call the patient to make sure they are still coming in. Other physicians have even tried a detention policy where the patient has to attend a 30 minute session focusing on healthcare issues.

Of course, the first step is to make sure the patient is aware of the correct information. This can be done by sending them an informative newsletter, or by sending them a birthday card. Providing a little something extra will go a long way in making the patient feel appreciated.