Reaching for the sky!


The MAIA President’s Award has been introduced by the Malaysia Aerospace Industry Association (MAIA) to recognize member companies and individuals that have demonstrated excellence in their management practices, quality of products and services as well as continuously offering greater value to their stakeholders. 


The awards are broadly categorized under two main sectors; corporate awards and individual awards. These recognise both company and individual contributions towards innovation in products, markets and processes, stand-out leadership, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) implementation as well as emerging new entrepreneurs making significant impact to the Malaysian aerospace industry landscape.


We are therefore seeking your nomination for these prestigious awards which we have decided to strictly limit to ensure that they remain exclusive and coveted.  Following your submission the Executive Office will vet these to ensure compliance.  The assessment and evaluation process and selection of the winning entries will be carried out by an independent team of well-established professionals from outside of the MAIA community. The announcement and celebration of the winners will be made at the President’s Dinner to be held on May 29th, 2024.


The winner will be presented with a trophy by the invited guest of honour, YB Tengku Datuk Seri Utama Zafrul bin Tengku Abdul Aziz, minister of Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI) during the dinner. We also plan to promote the winners achievements throughout the year in various events, forums and articles published in various media channels.


On behalf of the MAIA Executive Office we wish to take this opportunity to wish you every success and look forward to receiving your nomination. 


The MAIA President’s Award was established to promote excellence and to stimulate healthy and positive competition within our industry.


The MAIA President’s Award showcases the achievements of outstanding achievements within the Malaysian aerospace industry with the key objectives being to:



Where Stars Are Born, Legends Are Honored 



 Corporate Awards

Aerospace Catalyst Award

Sustainability & Environmental Stewardship Award

Influential Aerospace Entrepreneur Award

Leadership Competencies and Development Award

 Individual Awards

Aerospace Premiership Award

Aerospace Phoenix Award



20 APRIL 2024

Start your nomination now!