Mahmudur Rahman Hera

See my full CV here.

I am a PhD student at Penn State. My supervisor is Professor David Koslicki. Our lab focuses on solving problems in biology using mathematics and computational resources. In particular, KoslickiLab works in solving metagenomic problems. Currently, I am working on gene annotation of a metagenome sample using a new and soon-to-be-popular sketching technique called FracMinHash. Before this project, I also worked on theoretical analyses of FracMinHash as part of my PhD. Our analyses resulted in mathematical formula to determine ANI (average nucleotide identity) of two related genomic sequences using FracMinHash. Our findings have been implemented in a popular software package named sourmash.

Before starting my PhD in 2021, I completed my Master's in CS from CSE, BUET in 2020. In my Master's thesis, I worked with Dr. Atif Rahman to develop a reference-free method to design personalized guide RNAs from CRISPR experiments. I completed graduation from CSE, BUET in 2017. My undergraduate thesis supervisor was Dr. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin. We designed and developed an adaptive IoT platform that is able to operate remotely under a constrained 3G data budget.

I am happily married with a little baby girl. In my free time, I love to play table tennis and pool. I also love to solve shape-shifting rubik's-like puzzles. I am also an amateur guitarist, I spend a lot of my free time studying music theory.