Help Mahmoud’s family evacuate from Gaza

Welcome  to Mahmoud's Family Fundraising Campaign 

His family member

His Bombed House


In the face of adversity ,there lies a  remarkable ,true life journey of resilience and endurance .Meet Mahmoud's family,a true  inspiration  whose story  is one of courage and hope .what started as a country challenge in Gaza has evolved into a powerful impact lost life and properties .we invite you to join us on this extraordinary path of transformation ,ensuring Mahmoud's family safety path  from Gaza and live a world of Happiness.


Hello, my name is Mahmoud and I’m Palestinian living in Gaza. With great sadness, I'm reaching out to you today for help in evacuating me and my family members out of Gaza.

My home was bombed and destroyed, and I have lost many friends in this war.

During the war, me and my family were forced to evacuate from North Gaza to the South, becoming homeless and we are now living on the streets.

I have 3 children: two daughters aged 3 and 6 years old, as well as a 4 year old son. Their mental health is very bad, and the constant sounds of explosions are very frightening to them.

Diseases are spreading rapidly, and we can’t find any food or water.


At the core of this campaign  is the Unwavering heart of Mahmoud 's Family   to leave Gaza and find a safe place for my kids to live, as Gaza has been completely destroyed in this months long aggression against us.

Please help him collect the application fees and travel costs for five people.

In order to facilitate me and my family's evacuation through Egypt and to another safe country, I'm setting up a GoFundMe campaign to raise the amount needed ($8,000 CAD per person).

Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference to my family's safety. The funds raised will be used transparently and efficiently to ensure that every dollar is spent on ensuring their safety.


Your support is pivotal  in helping  Mahmud's Family overcome the  remaining challenges and  ensure a safe passage for them out of Gaza ,Every contribution ,no matter the size,contributes to a brighter future and reinforces the belief that together ,We can make a lasting impact.

Part of the House

Main House


Financial Support :The  funds raised will directly contribute to { specific purpose,e.g Medical Expenses ,Food & shelter etc.

Spreading awareness:Share our story on social  media,using  #gofundmeWithMahmoud's Family,to inspire others and raise awareness about overcoming challenges 

Building a community :Join our community of supporters,and together,lets create a channel of Hope and Happiness


Donate:Your financial contribution will help us reach our goals and make a meaningful impact

Share :Spread the word about our campaign on social media and help us reach our broader audience 

connect :join our community and become a part of the network that believes in the power of resilience and triumph over challenges,.


This campaign is not just about raising funds ,,its about creating a movement that inspires and uplifts .Follow our progress ,hear stories and triumph,be a part of the transformation .

Together,lets  show the world that every challenges is an opportunity waiting to be seized.

Thank you for being a part of Mahmoud's Family journey.Your support makes a world of differences..