DIY Replacement of Three Most-Replaced Mahindra Bolero Parts

The machine that takes you to work and to different places every day also needs care. Just like every other machine on this planet, your car also needs replacement parts. Since opening the hood of your car shows a puzzle of pipes and grease, people often fear learning even the simplest repair aspects. So, for menial replacements like changing a headlight, they take the car to the mechanic. Now, that can become a large expense over the long term. To avoid wasting money and time, equip yourself with the skills to replace these 3 most frequently replaced Mahindra Bolero parts.

Air filters

The air filter lets the car breathe while keeping dust particles and other contaminants out. But most cars require regular air filter changes. This is primarily due to high dust levels. Dust can drastically decrease the lifespan of the engine, and an overused air filter will let a lot of dust through. Look for the air box in the car's bonnet to replace the air filter. Take the dirty air filter out and replace it with the new air filter. Air filters can be cleaned and replaced if they are not excessively used.

Brake Pads

Brake pads undergo frequent friction as they are used very often. This friction causes heat and damages the brake pads and other Mahindra Bolero parts. Replacing brake pads is quick and easy, requiring common tools. To replace the brake pads, keep brake fluid handy. First, remove the wheel. Then, remove the sliding bar. That makes the caliper pivot upwards. Remove the old brake pads and the retaining clip. Replace them with new retaining clips and brake pads, respectively. Monitor brake fluid levels and add more if needed. Then fit the sliding bolt and wheel back in.

Oil Filter

Oil filters are used to filter out the impurities that are present in the oil and lubricating fluids. This ensures that the vital parts of the car do not get damaged due to solid particles. Overused oil filters can start forming sludge. The oil sludge can ruin the oil quality and impede the normal function of oil-dependent units. Oil filters are found on the bottom of the car. The right way to replace an oil filter is to first dip the new oil filter in fresh oil. The new oil filter should be installed before draining the oil. This can get messy, so a grease rag will be handy.

Check out BP Auto Spares India  for quality Mahindra Bolero Spare Parts and replacements trusted by clients internationally.