Why This Book?

Candace Owens is a controversial political commentator who focuses primarily on race relations in America, with a specific focus on the black community. Race in America needs to be addressed, but not just from one side. In her book she narrates how she became to be who she is today. She has the hopes that her book has the effect of Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense' to which would persuade an exodus movement of Blacks from the American Democratic party to be more biblically and constitutionally minded. Her biggest plea in the book is for the black community to think and reason for themselves instead of what she deems as swimming downstream with "cool" current and trends. Candace anticipates arguments and counter arguments in most of most chapters. The book is loaded with facts, quotes, and history in a multiplicity of rhetoric styles. Owens' most cited reference is to her family, mainly her grandfather and the Bible a the tail end of the book. I could not do the book justice with a few sentences so let's dig in!