About me

PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Paris Dauphine, PSL Research University

Research fields : Micro-econometrics, Migration, Poverty, Education, Natural Resources, Public Policy Evaluation, Household Behavior Analysis

Short Biography

I have a master's degree in international economics and development obtained in 2019 at Paris Dauphine University. I am currently a PhD candidate at PSL University. I conduct research in development economics. My research focuses on understanding the behaviour of African households by analysing how recipients in sub-Saharan Africa use transfers (private and public). The first two chapters of the thesis deal with migrant remittances and focus on Senegal, while the last chapter examines public transfers of oil rent in Chad. In the first chapter, I investigate whether remittance recipients contribute more to household expenditures and how this contribution differs between domestic and international remittances. In the second chapter, I analyze the redistributive nature of international remittances. In particular, I examine whether recipients are more likely to share these funds domestically. The third chapter addresses oil rent and its effects in the oil-producing region of Logone Oriental in Chad. In this chapter, I use administrative and survey data to examine whether children in the oil region are more or less likely to drop out of school than in other parts of the country.