Project nature: Promo / Awareness
Role: Creative Insight / Visual Concept 

Johnson’s Baby relaunched its product line with new packaging, new and purer formula and a new concept: Purity that Inspires.
So, to promote it, the brand was looking for a different kind of Mother's day promotion that would engender true consumer engagement.

We sought to understand how the consumer public engaged on social media and how we could link this to a way of promoting care.

Afterwards, we thought how to make it possible for a brand that takes care of babies and children to help babies and children in need of care - Purity inspiring Good.

To get people engaged, the mechanics of the action could not be complex. The less friction, the better. So, we created the mechanic from a usual behavior: parents posting photos of their children on social media.

So, from Mother's Day to Father's Day, each photo of child posted on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with #PurezaQueInspiraOBem (Purity that Inspires Good), generates a donation: 1 post = R$ 1 donated to partner NGOs (Make-A-Wish Brasil, Aldeias Infantis SOS Brasil, and APAE São Paulo).

In the end of the action, the brand celebrated the fundraising of more than R$ 1 million, which were donated to the partners NGOs.

This configures the largest social action already made by the brand in Brazil.