Project nature: Public Affairs / PR
Role: Creative Lead

In Brazil, the implementation of 5G technology has several challenges, including legal ones.
Regulations relating to telecommunications infrastructure are old and differ between municipalities, creating obstacles to the installation and modernization of equipment, which limits the expansion of technology, like 5G.

A coalition of companies from different sectors came to us with it asking for a Public Affairs project to seek involvement from the population and the media to press municipalities to update their regulations to the federal standard project, in order to stimulate and facilitate the democratization of access to connectivity and its expansion to all Brazilians.

To unify the voices of these companies and focus efforts, we thought about creating a movement with a more accecible language, and through it, alert the population about this problem that affects everyone and increases inequality of opportunities.

Thus, we created the movement ANTENE-SE  an expression that uses the word antena, Portuguese for antenna, with the expression se antenar, which means to be connected, updated).

The movement promotes the dissemination of this information to the public on social networks, events for debates with experts in related areas and connects with city halls to provide consultancy in the process of updating laws.

In May 2023, Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) began to officially support the Movimento Antene-se project.

Furthermore, the movement has already provided consultancy to more than 600 municipalities and, currently, 407 of them now have adequate legislation, that represents 44% of the Brazilian population.