Project nature: Design
Role: Design 

For over 50 years, thousands of marginalized people have collected recyclable materials as an alternative source of income.

It is estimated that there are more than 70,000 independent recyclable waste collectors in Brazil’s urban areas, invisible to the eyes of a society that does not recognize the impact of their important environmental work.

Pimp My Carroça fights for the dignity of independent waste collectors by involving the public to provide them free assistance in various areas. Both task forces and individuals provide the waste collectors with health and psychological services as well as aesthetic work. The project also provides structural reforms to their carts, which are then embellished by graffiti artists to become works of street art.

Carroças do Futuro (Trash Carts of the Future) is the newest project by Pimp My Carroça, and aims to develop prototypes of electric carts and tricycles that use renewable energy as an alternative to human traction, to facilitate the work of collectors of recyclable materials.

This makes it possible to provide a better quality of life for workers, using clean and environmentally sustainable technologies.

A team of volunteer designers, engineers and collectors came together to think and prototype wagon, tricycle and electric cart models using renewable energy, in a cheap and replicable way.

In 2021, the project have the first model of Electric Wagon validated and we are applying pilot projects in 4 territories in the Municipality of São Paulo with waste pickers.

The electric wagon has a maximum speed of 6 km/h, an electric motor with reverse function and safety features – brakes, horn, turn signals, GPS trackers, front and rear lights. Its load capacity supports 400 kg. Recharging the batteries lasts approx. 6 hours and can be recharged using a common socket.

The project is awaiting funds to enable the expansion of this initiative and benefit as many collectors as possible.