Magnus Goffeng

Associate professor (universitetslektor) at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University. Vice director of research studies in mathematics at Mathematics LTH. See here for my previous positions.

Research interests

My research interests are broadly spread over analysis, geometry and problems from mathematical physics. The problems I work on often lie in the area of interplay between global analysis, index theory and spectral theory. In particular, I am interested in the more analytic aspects of noncommutative geometry and its applications in these areas. In many of the questions I study, the starting point is to use operators on Hilbert spaces to study geometry, often reducing geometric problems to analytic problems. Conversely, I also work on applying geometric ideas of an index theoretical nature to study analytic problems. The work I do can be categorized into one of the following groups:

To read more about this on the following page and to find a full list of publications here

 Current teaching

For more on my teaching, go to this page.

Upcoming conferences, seminars et cetera

If you've seen me at some conferences it might have been at one of these.

Contact information

E-mail: first name.last name (at)

Telephone: +46 (0) 46 222 03 33

Room: 552a 

Mail address: Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Lund University

Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden