Call for papers

Call for Papers

The Journal of Plasma Physics (JPP) is pleased to announce that it will be accepting papers from the 2023 MagNetUS meetings as part of a "MagNetUS" collection.  More broadly, we encourage all researchers from the MagNetUS research community to consider submitting papers as part of this collection.  All papers will be peer-reviewed and handled by JPP Associate Editors, Troy Carter (UCLA), Cary Forest (Univ. of Wisconsin) of Edward Thomas (Auburn University).

This new collection is, in part, intended to be a follow up of the JPP Collection, "Experiments at the frontier of fundamental Plasma Physics" (Eds. Carter and Forest), in which a number of the facilities that are part of the MagNetUS community were featured.

Manuscripts should be submitted to JPP by September 1, 2023.  
