Magnetometer's future

I created Magnetometer as a fun exercise, a challenge to myself. I got the idea from a YouTube video and challenged myself to make a version that is clean, working, free of ads, somewhat practical and of quality.

I've been focusing more on many future projects (if you want to know more, sign up and I'll send you emails when I have announcements) and I forgot about Magnetometer. To be honest, this may be because:

I am going to keep this short to not waste your time: I am not taking any more time on working on Magnetometer, at least for the time being.

So, what's next?

Honestly, I was fascinated by the demand of such an app. However, I have much bigger goals.
If you want to learn more about what's coming, sign up here and I'll send you an email once I have an announcement to make.

Thank you, and happy holidays!

Tudor G.