Come Learn The Secrets Of Magnetic Medicine


Every person can be their own healer

Inside our body lie energetic magnets, as soon as we know how to balance them we can heal ourselves on the energetic level from all kinds of conditions and symptoms, as well as raise the vital level in
our body.

I offer you an opportunity to learn the magnets in your body practically in the course:
"Introduction to Magnetic Medicine."  

A free course designed to expand the essence of the authentic frequency of all humanity.

 Register now for free for the "Introduction to Magnetic Medicine" course!

The picture in front of you is not just an ordinary painting in the language of light. The picture in front of you is a magnet that one of our course participants made for herself. The purpose of the magnet is to restore her soul's ability to heal itself with angelic energy.

 Around each person, there are 8 energetic bodies, which have essences exactly like the one you see in the picture. These essences are literally like a sieve, translating the energy from the universe straight into our consciousness.

 We try to understand this lawfulness, the order in which the energy enters us.

 We ask ourselves: why does what happens to us happen?

Our ability to know and choose the database that happens in our 8 bodies, allows us to choose what happens.

Sign up for the "Introduction to Magnet Medicine" course for free now!


Who am I?

My name is Shani Bahar Azulay and I am here to accompany you in your training to realize your life mission in the world. I am a spiritual life coach and accompany people to go through their life lessons to be exposed as much as possible to their inner sources of knowledge and to fulfill the mission they were sent into the world to perform,
to reach full union with the soul.

 After this union, the soul educates them based on the raw knowledge they have, and they choose the way to apply it.

 Dear soul,

 This process started even before you came into the world. Your soul chose a list of life lessons that it believed could help you be prepared for fulfilling your role in the world. Each life lesson like this contains a treasure. Raw insider knowledge that you are about to be exposed to as soon as you choose.

 Part of this inner knowledge is magnet medicine, which gives you back the authority to heal yourself and expand your frequency.

What are we going to learn in the course?

What is magnetic medicine?

What are the 8 energy bodies?

What magnets are in each of the bodies?

How can we activate our energetic bodies?

What is the spiritual meaning of physical difficulties?

How can we balance our energy more easily?

How to match our energy to that of our soul?

This course is so healing, I opened my supersensory vision and now I don't need health problems to get through my life lessons.

Larra, 29.

Thanks to magnet medicine, I opened a conduit to my soul. Today I heal people!

Math, 54.

This course changed my life, I stopped taking pills against chronic migraines, I use my magnets!

Johan, 31.

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