Verba II

Verba II

Vocabulary and Grammar for Latin II

Vocab for Chapter 28

Words for our Chapter 28 Test-be prepared to give all forms and genders
pecten, pectinis m. comb
scabellum, -i, n. footstool
sella, -ae f. chair
mensa, -ae f. table
vas, vasis  n. vase
flos, floris m. flower
unguenta, -orum perfume

Vocab 29

1.porcus –i m pig
2.speculum –i n mirror
3.crines crinium hair
4.mendicus –i m beggar
5.rixa –ae f quarrel
6.fumus –i m smoke
7. Finis finis  (gen pl finium) m end

Chapter 30 Vocab to be tested

1.insula –ae f. island, apartment house
2.vis, acc. vim, abl. vi, f. force, amount
3.incendium, -i, n. fire
4.fenestra, -ae, f. window
5.incola, -ae, m/f inhabitant, tenant
6.ornamenta, -orum n. pl. furnishings
7.tabulatum, -i, n. story, floor

Vocab 31

1. cachinnus, -i, m. laughter
2. lanius, -i, m. butcher
3. caro, carnis, f. meat
4. pretium, -i, n. value, price
5. quidem, adv. indeed
6. umquam, adv. ever
7. perna, -ae. f. ham
8. immo, adv. rather, on the contrary
9. recte, adv. rightly, properly
10. vero, adv. truly, really, indeed
11. lepus, leporis m. hare

Chapter 32 Vocab

1.ignis, ignis, gen. pl. ignium, m. fire

2.holus, holeris n. vegetable

3.panis, panis, gen. pl panium m. bread

4.pullus, -i m. chicken

5.ovum, -i, n. egg

6.regnum, -i, n. kingdom

7.malum, -i, n. apple

8.candelabrum, -i, n, candelabrum, lamp-stand

9.inferi, -orum, m pl the underworld

10.oleum, -i, n. oil

11.stratum, -i, n. sheet, covering

Vocab 33

mulsum i, n. wine sweetened with honey 
ferculum, i, n. dish, tray 
boletus, i, m. mushroom 
pestilentia, ae, f. plague 
poculum, i, n. cup, goblet 
locus, i, m. place 
popina, ae, f. eating-house, bar 
uva, ae, f. grape, bunch of grapes 
ceteri, ae, a the rest, the others 
edo, edere (esse), edi, esus to eat 
compleo, complere, complevi, completus to fill 
scindo, scindere, scidi, scissus to cut, split, carve
una adv together 

Vocab 34

1. corona, ae, f. garland, crown 
2. cura, ae, f. care 
3. modus, i, m. way, method 
4. pessimus, a, um worst, very bad 
5. creo, are, avi, atus to appoint, to create 
6. haurio, haurire, hausi, haustus to drain 
7. misceo, miscere (2), miscui, mixtus to mix
8. posco, poscere, poposci to demand, ask for 
9. sino, sinere, sivi, situs to allow 
10. quam than 
11. nimis too much 
12. prudenter wisely, sensibly 
13. felix, felicis happy,lucky 

Vocab 35

1.collis, collis, collium, m. hill
2.fustis, fustis, fustium m
3. deus, i, m. god 
4. vulnus, vulneris, n. wound 
5. gravis -is -e heavy, serious 
6. ligo, are, avi, atus to bind up 
7. credo, credere, credidi, creditus + dative  trust, believe
8. facile easily 
9. pronus –a –um  face down
10. securus –a –um carefree, unconcerned

Autumni Verba

Autumnus –i m fall, autumn
Pabulum –i n fodder
Rota –ae f wheel
Funis funis m rope
Truncus  –i m tree trunk
Triticum –i n wheat
Plaustrum –i n wagon
Cucurbita –ae f gourd
Pepo peponis m pumpkin
Horreum –i n barn, storehouse
Fungus –i  m mushroom
Glans, glandis f acorn
Vespertilio –onis m bat

Cibus -i m food

Acinus –i m   AUT uva –ae f grape
Brassica –ae f cabbage
Bubula –ae f beef
Caepa –ae f onion
Caseus –i m cheese
Cerasus –i f AUT cerasum – i n  cherry
Cerevisia –ae f beer
Condimentum –i n sauce
Faba –ae f bean
Lac, lactis n milk
Lactuca –ae f lettuce
Malum –i n apple
Muria –ae f pickle
Ovum –i n egg
Panis, panis m bread
Pirum –i n pear
Piscis, piscis m fish
Placenta –ae f cake
Pullus –i m chicken
Vinum –i n wine

Cooking Terms

Reseca cutem-peel
Impone-put in
Torre-broil, toast
Coque-cook, bake

Res in culinā et triclinio

Bottle, ampulla –ae f
Bowl, cratera –ae f  aut crater crateris m
Cup, pocillum –i n (smaller than a poculum)
Fork, furca/furcilla  -ae f
Glass, calix, calicis m
Jar, olla –ae f aut amphora –ae f
Knife, culter cultri m
Napkin, mappa –ae f
Oven, furnus –i m
Pan, patina –ae f  aut  sartago, sartaginis f (frying pan)
Pepper, piper  piperis n
Plate, patella –ae f  or lamina –ae f (metal plate)
Pot, olla –ae f (clay pot) aut ahenum –i n (bronze pot)
Salt shaker, salinum –i n
Salt, sal salis n
Saucer, patera –ae f
Spoon, cochlear cochlearis n
Stove, focus –i m (actually a fireplace)
Tablecloth, mantele mantelis n ( also used for a hand towel)
Towel, linteum –i n
Tray, ferculum –i n

Adjectives for foods

Masc    Fem    Neuter    Meaning

Hic    haec    hoc      this

Ille    illa    illud      that

Bonus    bona    bonum      good

Malus    mala    malum      bad

Putridus  putrida  putridum    rotten

Sapidus  sapida    sapidum    delicious

Foedus  foeda    foedus    disgusting

Dulcis    dulcis    dulce      sweet

Acidus  acida    acidum    sour

Acer    acris    acre      spicy

Mirabilis  mirabilis  mirabile    wonderful


big  magnus-a-um
small  parvus-a-um
good bonus-a-um
bad  malus-a-um
hard durus-a-um
soft mollis-is-e
easy facilis-is-e
difficult difficilis-is-e
ugly deformis-is-e
pretty pulcher-chra-chrum
hot calidus-a-um
cold frigidus-a-um
smart callidus-a-um
stupid stupidus-a-um
happy laetus-a-um
sad tristis-is-e

Making adjectives and nouns agree!!
How to pick the right adjective in only a few simple steps!!

1.Look at the noun you have. Even though it is already in a particular 
case/number, find it in the dictionary in its very first form and see what 
its gender is.
2.When you find the first form, look at the second form listed right after 
it.  Remember that this form is called the genitive singular and it 
determines which declension the noun is.  Match the genitive form you find 
with a genitive singular form in the charts on page 267.
3.Now that you know which declension you are in on page 267, find WITHIN 
DECLENSION the endings on the noun that you started with and see what case 
and number (meaning singular or plural) that ending is.  You already 
the gender in step 1, so now you have three things: the gender, the case, 
the number.
4.Now it’s time to go to your adjective chart on page 138.  See where the 
gender, case, and number of your noun intersect on the adjective chart for 
whichever kind of adjective you have (a “magnus” type or an “omnis” type).  
That will determine your answer!!!

Here’s an example of the process.

Pueri in raedā ( brevem, brevi) sedent.

1.In step 1, I looked in the glossary and I found “raeda” on page 297.  I 
that it has an “f” for feminine.
2.I found “-ae” which means that the genitive singular form of “raeda” 
is “raedae”.  When I scanned the genitive singular lines on page 267, “ae” 
was in the 1st declension area.
3.In first declension, the “ā” that I see on raedā is ablative singular in 
the chart.  I know from step one that raeda is feminine, so know I have 
feminine ablative singular as my 3 “specs” (specifications).
4.Now on page 138  I’m going to look at the “omnis” kind of adjective 
because “brevis”  has endings like “omnis”, not like “magnus”.  When I go 
the feminine column, the singular section, and the ablative line, I find 
word “omni”.  Therefore I’m going to choose “brevi” instead of “brevem”.

If you need a copy of workbook 18d, hic est!!!!

Circle the ajective that agrees with the boldface noun in each sentence:

Raeda in fossā manet (immobilis/immobile).

Eucleides Cornelium ad cauponam (vicinam/vicinum).

Pueri (temerarius/temerarii) ad cauponam currunt.

Aurelia et Cornelia (solliciti/sollicitae) lente ambulant.

(Omnis/Omnes) Cornelii ad cauponam adveniunt et canes vident.

Ubi canes latrant, Sextus, puer (ignavo/ignavus), fugit.

Marcus tamen non est ignavus: puer stat (immobilis/immobilibus).

Cornelia est puella (forte/fortis) et manum extendit.

Tum homo (obesus/obeso) apparuit.

Eucleides cauponem (obesam/obesum) salutat quod agnoscit amicum.


Meriam-Webster site for finding/checking derivatives!!!!!!!

Use this to review  for the first Nine Weeks 
More verbs!!

Use this to review verbs for the 2nd Nine Weeks and Semester I 
Monsters et al!

Use this to review for the 4th Nine Weeks and Semester II Exam!!!!
Review all tenses of passive verbs!!!!

Relative Pronouns-create the correct form and earn coins for your 
piggy bank.

Relative Pronouns-practice choosing the correct form

More on Roman Roads-Go to the section on great builders!!!

Roman Baths-A description with several links to illustrations

Virtual Stroll in the Baths of Caracalla

A recent discovery of a bath on the Discovery Channel News

A glossary of terms related to Roman Baths

Mass Bathing: The Roman Balnea and Thermae

The Roman Baths
Centers of Relaxation, Exercise, and Socializing in Ancient Rome

The Roman Baths
This seems to be from a very well done student project

A video of the Roman baths in Bath, England

Cute video project on the baths

Here are the questions.  The starting sites are on the following 
Saturnalia Scavenger Hunt!!!!

Make sure you do this on April 20/21!!!!
Required worksheet for adjectives and adverb comparisons

Updated on 12/12/11!!!!
First semester review!!!!