And so this is just one example, but the word because led about a 50% increase in compliance. And so again, one example of many studies in this space, but the question is kind of what are these magic words and how by understanding them, can we take advantage of their power?

The book describes six types of magic words: words that (1) activate identity and agency, (2) convey confidence, (3) ask the right questions, (4) leverage concreteness, (5) employ emotion, and (6) harness similarity (and difference).

Magic Words Jonah Berger Pdf Free Download


Drawing from groundbreaking research, he groups magic words into six types: those that activate identity, convey confidence, ask the right questions, leverage concreteness, employ emotion and harness similarities (and differences).

What we say matters, but some words are more impactful than others. The right words, used at the right time, can change minds, engage audiences, and drive action. In Magic Words: What to Say to Get Your Way, author Jonah Berger uncovers the hidden science behind how language works and more importantly, how we can use it more effectively to persuade others, deepen relationships, and be more successful at home and at work using six types of magic words.

And so, the big idea behind Magic Words is kind of we can use language better, whether at home, or at work, whether convincing clients, holding attention. By understanding how language works and how we can use it, and understanding the power of magic words, we can increase our impact in every aspect of our lives.

Jonah Berger

No, I think the only thing I would say, which we sort of started out talking about in the beginning, is we all use language all the time. Language is how we convince clients and customers, language is how we change the minds of bosses and colleagues, language is how we connect with our loved ones at home. By understanding the power of magic words, we can use language in these situations more effectively and in all areas of our life.

Already a prolific author (Contagious: Why Things Catch On, Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior, and The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone\u2019s Mind), Jonah is a Professor of Marketing at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and when not busy doing that (!) he advises a ton of early stage startups as well as consulting for Apple to Amazon, Google to The Gates Foundation. He\u2019s a Dad and well-known for being a gesticulator when speaking because he\u2019s passionate about words and clarity. Follow Jonah on Twitter and book him to speak at your next event over at

Both how frequently we use language, and yet how little we understand about how to use it more effectively. Almost everything we do involves words. From emails and power points to phone calls and pitch meetings, words are how we persuade, communicate, and connect. But certain words are more impactful than others. They\u2019re better at changing minds, engaging listeners, and driving action. What are these magic words, and how can we take advantage of their power?

In this Partnering Leadership conversation, Mahan Tavakoli speaks with Jonah Berger, Wharton School professor and internationally bestselling author of Magic Words, Contagious, Invisible Influence, and The Catalyst. In the conversation, Jonah Berger talked about the role of influence in our lives and leadership. He explained why influence is a tool and how to use it for positive impact. Jonah Berger then addressed the role of language in influencing others, and the six types of research supported magic words for influence. Next, Jonah Beger shared the role of confidence in influence and how to use it appropriately, depending on the situation. Finally, Jonah Berger talked about the power of storytelling, the language of similarity and difference, and how to use personal hedges to show openness to other perspectives.

So there's a lot that you have pulled together. Now you also talk about influence and the mindsets that positive influence takes. So what is the mindset that you believe is important? Before we talk about the specifics that you also go into in this book, with respect to magic words.

Almost everything we do relies on language. And so the question then is how can we use it better? And I agree that many of us think about language somewhat, when I'm making a presentation, I think about what are the ideas that I want to get across. We think a lot about the high level concepts of what we wanna talk about, we think a lot less about how we should talk about it. The specific words we should use to talk about it. Because we don't think they matter, we're focused on the what, and less the how, and that's a big mistake. Because as I talk about in the book, there are six types of magic words. And magic words can have a huge influence on our impact. Saying I recommend something. Versus I like something can make people a third more likely to listen to your advice. A simple word like, because can increase your influence by 50%.

[00:21:34] Mahan Tavakoli: It makes a huge difference in the way we communicate. Now, the other part of it is that the magic words are not just with respect to what we say. You mentioned the power of questions at a conversation with Warren Burger also, he has a couple of outstanding books on questions, but the types of questions we ask make a difference, so it's not just asking questions to ask.

[00:30:24] Jonah Berger: Oh, thank you. The book is available wherever books are sold, so Amazon, Barnes and Noble, wherever you like to go. Independent book sales, wherever you like to go for books. They can learn more about me on my website, which is just jonah berger dot com. There's a lot of free resources there.

There's an overview of the framework of the book. There are some one page guides about how to use magic words more effectively in all areas of your life. And they can also connect with me either on Twitter at J one Burger or on LinkedIn there as well.

[00:31:42] Mahan Tavakoli: Jonah Berger, it's a joy speaking with you because leadership is a lot about positive influence, whether it's communicating strategy of the organization or getting the team energized to move toward that purpose and your work invisible influence, catalyst, contagious, and now magic words have helped me understand influence better and I'm sure will help the audience lead their teams and organizations more effectively. Thank you so much for joining me in this conversation.

This book is designed for anyone who wants to increase their impact. It provides a powerful toolkit and actionable techniques that can lead to extraordinary results. Whether you're trying to persuade a client, motivate a team, or get a whole organization to see things differently, this book will show you how to leverage the power of magic words.

But certain words are more impactful than others.They're better at changing minds, engaging audiences, and driving action. What are these magic words, and how can we take advantage of their power?


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