For the sake of simplicity, we will assume you have the swagger-codegen-cli-2.2.1 installed. Please visit the installation section of the Swagger Codegen to learn about how to get the Codegen on your machine.

The Swagger Codegen is an open source project under the Apache license. You can contribute to the project with suggestions, ideas, bug reports and pull requests in the GitHub repository, found here - -api/swagger-codegen.

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5) Based on the info here: -api/swagger-codegen#selective-generation You can do it by adding java system properties, like this java -Dwhateverproperty. So the end result, not including any fix for #3 is:

I'm keeping a track of identifiable official codegen SDKs from larger organizations here to better track adoption. Many organizations that list themselves as using some codegen projects haven't published SDKs on their GitHub accounts.

I've been actively using Swagger Codegen for Go now (2.2.3 - 2.3.1). So far my experience has been that it does a decent job but variety of hand tweaks can be necessary to get a working SDK so a GitHub package/repo is still nice. You can see some of the issues in the GitHub issues for the SDKs I maintain. I also add post processing to the codegen/ files in each repo.

As a platform architect and DevOps, I can say I successfully introduced it into a project which uses Dreamfactory API Automation as BaaS and APIs are defined by swagger. So the SDKs for the mobile app aswell as internal applications are generated with swagger-codegen.We encountered a few bugs in the swagger-codegen template for our languages, which were fairly easy to fix.Overall it saved alot time and reduces potential sources of error.

I used it to bootstrap our API based on the spring codegen and now use it to change and add the domain models and API endpoints. You still have to change some aspects of the generated classes but it makes refactoring very painless and prevents me from piling on technical debt. Its extremely helpful to have the generated swagger-ui for manual testing and you can import the spec to Postman which generate stubs so you have a nice starting point for and TODO overview for writing your tests.

Which one should I use for my new core web api and react/typescript project? I'm confused

that openapi-generator is fork of swagger-codegen and which one is better, or should I just stick with nswag?

I'm currently playing around with my jersey2 rest service. For a better overview of the given service (description, types and so on) I make heavily use of swagger (swagger-jersey2-jaxrs). So I'm able to genereate my service description (swagger.json) and I can view and explore them via swagger ui.

Now I'm at the point that I need to create some clients to make use of these services. I came across swagger codegen cli which is a nice tool to generate your client and many different languages (java in my case). I'm able to generate the api client and the model in use.

Here I face the first problem. The REST services and the swagger description are http basic auth protected. I read the documentation which gave me some hint that there is a possibility to use basic auth. At this point I have to mention that from my point of view the documentation is very poor. It says:

First thing I thought of is to pass a string like in an http header but that doesn't work and even googling how to use basic auth with swagger cli didn't result in some clear answer. After a lot of try and errors I (I'm using CLI 2.1.2) I finally came across the right format:

After doing all the modifications everything works as expected but I cant think that this is the idea behind an autogenerated rest client. So my question is: Am I missing some point or should I think of the swagger generated client (java in this case) more of a beta solution which is under development?Please get me right, I think the whole swagger framework (jersey2 support, openapi, swaggerui, codegen) is a great thing and I appreciate the developers effort but I want to use the codegen right and I don't think that the idea behind is so have to customize the generated ApiClient and ApiServices in such a way.

I need to implement my application logic, and at moment I didn't see any other way than customise the generated API sources.So, to avoid loosing my work at every build I could configure the .swagger-codegen-ignore (and I did), but I had only postponed the problem.

Because first time I have to update the swagger.json, the only option I have is to regenerate the entire API and overwrite my work. Ok, I could use git and try to restore the removed part, but is really an ugly solution.

OpenAPI Generator is a fork of swagger-codegen between version 2.3.1 and 2.4.0. For the reasons behind the fork, please refer to the Q&A.This community-driven version called "OpenAPI Generator" provides similar functionalities and can be used as drop-in replacement.This guide explains the major differences in order to help you with the migration.

When you run OpenAPI Generator, you need to select a target generator (-g option in the cli).All languages of swagger-codegen have been migrated to openapi-generator, but some names were changed, in order to be more consistent.

You don't need to rename the file manually, OpenAPI Generator will do it when your run it against an existing output directory.(When there is no .openapi-generator-ignore in a folder, if a .swagger-codegen-ignore file is present it will be considered and renamed to .openapi-generator-ignore).

If you use a generator without specifying each parameter, you might see some differences in the generated code.As example the default package name used in the generated code has changed.You need to have a look at the specific value, depending on your target language, but often Swagger s replaced by OpenAPITools and io.swagger is replaced by org.openapitools.Concretely if you did not specify anything when you are generating java code, a file org/openapitools/api/ might be generated instead of io/swagger/api/

If this is a problem for you, you need to explicitly set the parameter value in order to match with the swagger-codegen default value (apiPackage == io.swagger in the previous example with the java generator).

In OpenAPI spec v3, there's no body parameter, which is replaced by Request Body Object. The parameter name for Request Body is named automatically based on the model name (e.g. User). To control how the "Request Body" parameter is named, please add the vendor extension x-codegen-request-body-name to the operation:

If your API client is using named parameters in the function call (e.g. Perl required & optional parameters, Ruby optional parameters), you will need to add x-codegen-request-body-name to the spec to restore the original body parameter name.

So this is codegen101 for me and I have been trying to use swagger plugin and keep getting error. Is it a known issue, I have tried serval versions for the plugin thinking it might be a known issue in one of them but no success at all.It should be pretty straight forward exercise. I am not sure what I am missing. Can someone point out please

bad source file: C:\...\

file does not contain class io.swagger.client.model.IssueTypeIDs

Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the sourcepath.

Do you know a solution to this? I saw this tutorial : -to-jira-clouds-swagger-openapi-docs/ is using codegen directly but I prefer to use the maven plugin to generate the client code during compilation if possible.

Looking at how enums work in Open API, I don't think there's an easy way to get around how swagger-codegen creates identifiers for Java. I might submit a bug report for swagger-codegen, as I can see that its strategy for identifier naming will be a problem for Java 11.

Hi , can you please tell what is the difference between your POSH-swagger-codegen and PSSwagger module? Do they complement each other or should I make a preference in your opinion? Many thanks in advance

In earlier step,we have saved the specification in yaml format. To further generate source code, this swagger.yaml file will be the source of input. To facilitate it, Swagger CodeGen tool is used.

Once imported and project is build successfully, you can find swagger configuration classes are automatically created.Verify the API controller and associated interfaces, you will see all Swagger annotations are already added.

Swagger Codegen uses Java code and template files (Mustache or Handlebars) to transform API definitions into the desired output format. You can create boilerplate code for your custom codegen by using Swagger Codegen CLI, and then customize the code to suit your needs. The code should be compiled into a JAR file, which can then be uploaded to SwaggerHub On-Premise. A single JAR file can contain one or more custom generators.

Before uploading your generator to SwaggerHub, test it locally to make sure it works correctly and produces the expected output. In the command below, replace the -l argument with your generator name, -o with the desired output directory, and -i with your API definition path or URL. Use io.swagger.codegen.Codegen if you are testing OpenAPI 2.0 templates with Swagger Codegen 2.x, and io.swagger.codegen.v3.Codegen if you are testing OpenAPI 3.0 templates with Swagger Codegen 3.x.

For Windows users, you will need to install wget or you can use Invoke-WebRequest in PowerShell (3.0+), e.g. Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile swagger-codegen-cli.jar -codegen-cli/3.0.51/swagger-codegen-cli-3.0.51.jar

To get a list of PHP specified options (which can be passed to the generator with a config file via the -c option), please run java -jar modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar config-help -l php

Don't like the default swagger client syntax? Want a different language supported? No problem! Swagger Codegen processes handlebar templates with the engine. You can modify our templates or make your own. ff782bc1db

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