Effective from August 8, 2022

Last updated: August 8, 2022

Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy explains how the MagicFace app collects, uses and discloses information about your use of our services through our mobile apps. This privacy policy does not apply to any third-party website, service or application accessible through our services.

Any information collected is subject to the privacy policy in force at the time of collection of such information. However, we may revise and revise our privacy policy from time to time. If we make any significant changes to this policy, we will notify you of these changes by posting on this page. By continuing to access or use our services after these changes take effect, you agree to be bound by the revised policy.

Information we collect

Your device / computer. We collect certain information sent by your mobile device when using our services, such as device identifier, user settings and operating system, as well as information about your use of our services through your device.

Notes on children. We will not intentionally collect personal information of children. If we learn that we have collected personal information of children under the age of 13, we will take measures to remove such information from our files as soon as possible.

Instructions for international users. Your information will be transferred to a computer located in the United States (or any other country where we operate) and processed there. By providing us with your information, you accept and agree to the transfer.

Photo upload and face data strategy

We analyze the non scanned end photos and find out the feature points of the face in the photos (such as eyes, nose and mouth points) for face processing. In order to provide users with their "old" photos or connect the feature points on the face photos during the face analysis process, the application needs to find the feature points,

1. Upload user photos to the server.

2. The server analyzes the user's photos and returns the feature points. The server will then delete the face / photo data of all users.

3. The application connects the feature points and displays the processing results to the user.

This part of data will not be shared with any third party. After the analysis process, the face / photo information will be deleted.

Information collected by others

We may use analysis providers to help us understand the usage of our services. These providers will collect information sent by your mobile device or browser, and their use of this information is governed by their applicable privacy policies.

How do we use the information we collect

We use the information we collect to provide our services, respond to queries, personalize and improve our services and your experience when using our services, monitor and analyze the use and trend of our services, send you management information about the operation and use of our services, and any other purpose for collecting information.

Information we share with others

We will not disclose user photos or videos to third parties.

Our service providers may access and use your information, which is related to our service operations (these service providers may access your information but only to the extent necessary to perform the services on our behalf, and are obliged not to disclose the information or use it for any other purpose).

We may share information about you if we are required by law or legal proceedings (such as subpoenas, warrants or court orders) (or if we believe we need it), if we have to respond to legal requests from legal authorities to disclose such information, or if we need to implement or apply this privacy policy, our terms or our other policies.

Security measures we take to protect your information

We have adopted administrative, physical and electronic measures to protect your information from unauthorized access. However, despite these efforts, no security measures are perfect or impermeable, and no data transmission method can guarantee against any interception or other types of abuse. If your personal information is disclosed due to violation of security regulations, we will notify you immediately when your personal data is disclosed according to the requirements of applicable laws.

Delete data

If you need to delete your data of MagicFace,please  contact us by email.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us: