Contact & FAQ

Contact The MaghrebMap Team

To find any additional information about the map mod or to ask any questions, feel free to contact us from our Discord Server.


What version of ETS2 do I need to run MaghrebMap?

With version 0.3 of MaghrebMap, you are now able to run the map with version 1.45 for the map to work.

What DLCs are required for MaghrebMap to work?

Every map DLC is needed for MaghrebMap to be able to work properly. A list of all the DLCs needed are Iberia, Road to the Black Sea, Beyond the Baltic Sea, Italia, Vive la France !, Scandinavia and Going East!.

Does ProMods work with MaghrebMap?

Yes, both ProMods Europe and ProMods Middle East work with MaghrebMap. It is not required, but recommended for a more complete experience. You can download ProMods by clicking HERE.

What map mods are compatible with MaghrebMap?

A full list of tested map mods can be found on the Download page.

If I found a bug or a problem with the map, where can I report it?

You can report any bugs or problems with the map from our Discord server.

What areas of the map does MaghrebMap add?

MaghrebMap v0.3 adds the countries of Morocco and Tunisia, with Libya planned for a later release.

Where can I find out if new versions of MaghrebMap releases?

No specific dates are ever released when updating and adding new content to MaghrebMap, however when a new version has released or there is news you'll be able to find out all about it from our Discord server. To join the Discord, click HERE.