
Funding / Grant Awards

- Principal Investigator (PI), VR Framework to enhance Communication in Engg. Education

Engineering Information Foundation (EIF) Grant (link)

- PI, National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant # 2213939. Co-PI: Nandkishor Nere

Virtual Reality Training for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Manufacturing Operations (link)

- PI, Brightspace LMS for Mastery-Oriented Approach

Brightspace Innovation Grant Award (link)

- PI, National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant #1700674. Co-PIs: Ge Jin, DIsmail Fidan, Mel Cossette

Manufacturing Education Using Virtual Environment Resources (link)

- Collaborator, Singapore MIT Research Innovation Grant

PI: Dr. Simon Lui

- PI, Technology Grant from MSC Software: Collaborated with MSC Software Corporation and secured software grants : Visualization software for College of Technology installed in labs

- PI, NASA/INSGC Grant: Offered programming workshop to College of Education students

Co-PI: Dr. Rita Brusca-Vega

- PI, Teaching Innovation Grant: Designed and Implemented active learning materials for graphics education

- Co-PI, Developing statistics modules for dynamic processes to enhance effective learning via visualization

- PI, ASEE Grant: Virtual reality framework for Object Oriented Programming Instruction

- Teaching Innovation Grant

- ITAP Grants

- Purdue Research Foundation PRF Summer Research Grant

- PRF International Travel Grant

- Received Multiple times

- Purdue University NW Collaborative Grant

- Purdue University NW Catalyst Grant

- Purdue University NW Exploratory Grant