Magdalen Monday Content Warnings

Below is a summary of content warnings for our films this term. They contain spoilers.

Full content and trigger warnings can be found online for all our movies. We recommend the following sites as comprehensive sources:

IMDb: the Parents Guide section can be a great source of trigger warnings. It allows users to submit information in several categories: Sex & Nudity, Violence & Gore, Profanity, Alcohol, Drugs, & Smoking, and Frightening and Intense Scenes.

Does the Dog Die has over 70 unique tags for trigger warnings. These predictably include whether a dog (or any other animal) dies in the movie or show, but it doesn’t stop there. They feature notices for flashing lights, sexual content, slurs, drug and alcohol abuse, stalking, and many more. There’s also a helpful tag that lets you know if the ending will be sad with minimal spoilers! 

Unconsenting Media is a great site specific to sexual violence triggers. The site rates media green, yellow, or red based on the amount of potentially triggering content.

Rear Window


Run Lola Run


All About Eve





Violence & Gore

Au Revoir Les Enfants 

Frightening & Intense Scenes

The Big Lebowski

Sex and Nudity
